Well to me it seems like your pretty picky considering all the peoples suggestions you turned down. BUT I think I could probably help you a little. You like RGPs: Enchanted Arms is a $20 game brand new and will give you at least 50 hours of gameplay! Fifa 08 is an amazing game. Im not a fan of soccer, but Fifa games are so much fun. Guitar Hero 3 is really an endless game. Chances are you not going to beat throught the fire and flames on expert, but if you shoot for that you'll get plenty of hours out of that. AND you say you already have Warhawk. Thats my favorite game for the PS3. If you get good at it and join a clan you could do some clan battles, which require lots of practice, so that will give you lots of hours of fun. I really hope that helps you, and if you do try some of those out let me know how it goes. My PSN id is TrevCubsOr, right now my PS3 is broke so i wont be able to respond for probably 2 weeks. Soooo good luck!TrevCubsOr21
Well Trev thanks for the suggestions I think you helped alot really, I will check out those games you talked about might tryout Fifa 08, about guitar hero I think I might like it but everybody recommends rock band over guitar hero... what's your opinion on that??
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