I played Asylum but felt it was merely an ok game so i skipped Arkham City. If the only criticism of Origins is that its too much like Arkham City, then i expect i cant do wrong with Origins. I basically have been waiting for a true full gotham open world Batman (batcave and Wayne manor included) game for about 15 years and all these years after GTA and the Spiderman games (not that these were as amazing as their protagonist but it shown promise and i thought it was the beginning of something when it came to supehero games) it keeps on not happening. Maybe next time? This sounds like the closest we have so far though so...guess ill try it. totally agree with those who said that if Origins gets a like 3 point drop for being the same as City, then Assassins creed has been deserving 6s or 5s for a while now.
I loved Far Cry, was terribly excited to learn Far Cry 2 would be open world.........then played like 2 hours and deleted it. the problem was too smart enemies that would see you when you barely could see them. I found the whole fighting part boring and frustrating. Far Cry 3 was a vast improvement but i only really loved it for the first like 15 hours. After that i realised the game was too repetitive and barely gave you anything interesting to do aside from killing people (hunting is kinda lame). This is the same mistake open world games have been making for 13 years. They don't get that the reason San Andreas or GTA V are so popular is that they use the open world. Ubisoft is a real offender at this. That's the reason why i don't love AC as much as i could. Because it doesn't do enough with its open world. And i hope with Watch Dogs they learned a lesson.
Well I just think it's a little more gray than black and white. There is a context for the misogyny and it doesn't give a good image of men either. I mean between the alcoholic coked up hustler played by Sharon Stone in Casino and the equally coked up socialite played by Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface, gangster themed stories have ever rarely provided positive and complex images of women. You kinda have to go in expecting just that. Does it make it ok? I don't know. But i don't see how it would make sense that a Harvard educated intelligent empowered and psychologically stable woman would date or be married to or even hang around a gangster/petty criminal/bank robber. I'm using the most extreme example here but you know what i mean. To be fair i haven't played GTA V yet so i don't know if the misogyny is more extreme than in past GTAs. I would tend to assume knowing the rockstar guys though that it is intended as satire. But i could be wrong
There is no doubt GTA V is misogynistic. But havent they always been? Criminals are not nice people. you can bet every actual career criminal finds himself surrounded with the worst kind of women who would not stand as good role models for their gender and criminals not exactly being nice guys, you can bet they frequently get mistreated too. Just look at any gangster movies and tell me they show a good image of women. They usually don't. I just think it goes with the territory. I don't think the men in GTA games have ever been positive role models for men either though... The game might be sending a mysoginistic image of women, but by doing so, it also sends a bad image of the men populating the game too. So you could also call the game misandrist... The fact is, the characters in GTA have always been objectionable a-holes.
The best thing about DCUO IS the combat system. I don't think i can ever enjoy the boring combat in most mmo's now.
And i did all the pre level30 missions alone, they're really not difficult, so it's not true you need to team up. Actually...i didnt' even know you COULD team up for the story missions until i was done with them.
I played for a year and a half non stop but quit cold turkey a month ago as i realised i was never gonna stop playing the game and sinking all my free time into it. I'd reccomend it though. Only mmo i played for more than a month.
Walking in stations and ships has me very interested. I'm a big elite-like games fan but i could never get into X before. Something about the boring way their universe is constructed. It never made exploration fun to me.
I tend to agree. I grew up on japanese games (raised on Nes and Snes) but have by and large moved on. Definitely the anime style doesn't tend to appeal to me much. And yes i'll watch SOME anime (the 1% that's any good) but i really don't see why the vast majority of their games have to have that anime look. Everyone tends to look like androgynous teenagers. Defintiely japanese rpgs are a turn off for me. But its not only the style but extends to the storytelling too definitely. It leaves me cold most times. That is not to say i reject japanese games outright, but they certainly have to work harder to get my attention.
I've recently cold turkey quit the only mmo i ever played for more than a month. I was over a year and a half of playing daily. I basically had an intervention type thing happen. If i handnt, i'd still be there. Started f2p, ended up a subscriber after 6 months. Most of my free time went in the mmo, anything productive i might have normally done otherwise i stopped putting time into. In my case, mmo's are pretty much like any other addictions. I knew i needed to keep away, i've known this ever since watching my brother play UO in 1999, and i'd managed to keep away because i wasnt willing to invest that much money in a game. But F2P lure me in. Sure i had a good time, it also almost destroyed my life. Never again. These things are insidious. It's fine if you're one of those that can still have a life and play those games. I'm not one of those people.
Carton_of_milk's comments