I've played through the campaign of every Halo game Spirt, so I'd say i know enough. It's pretty standard stuff, false prophets, zombies, etc. But in SPAAAAAAAAACE. I never found myself caring about any of the charachters. I play Halo for the multiplayer, not the story.
Now Half-Life 2, Lespaul, has believable charachters like Alyx, Eli, etc. And Breen's propaganda broadcasts were increadible. He made for a real human villian, not some ancient evil incarnate alien who's evil just because he's evil.
Edit: And there are no Half-Life novels because A: Valve probably wouldn't allow it, B: the story is fantastic on it's own and needs no expansion, and C: there aren't as many people who have built shrines to it.
Believeable characters? None of the good guys had any flaws. Half Life had good atmosphere but it is also extremely overrated. RDR had more believeable characters then Half Life.
I am not bashing HL2. I am just saying that I didn't really care for any of the characters. The only interesting character in the whole campaign was Father Grigori.
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