Personally I still haven't finished it just because I found it boring. Shooting someone in the face or stabbing them in the face isn't really diversity to me.
No its just you bash MS every chance you get. I don't mind people defending something they like but I hate when others attack something they dislike because they are ignorant and know nothing about it.
If it isn't well ventilated then obviously its going to overheat. I also laugh at my friends who get RRoD because they keep their Xbox on all day set to away.
Most of the things you posted were subjective. Then you claim those asking for your gamertag are trying to derail the thread. It is obvious you are trying to change the topic because you obviously haven't played Halo. Don't talk trash, especially when you can't back it up. Or maybe he is a butt-hurt corporal who has played too much CoD and actually aiming is a new thing for him.
Awesome graphics and exclusives will never make up for the fact that very few of my friends own a PS3. Sony can't make up for the fact that few of my friends want to be playing the same game to talk to one another.
Halo fans seem a bit irrational. Halo is no more skill oriented then Killzone, Socom, Gears, Cod etc etc... I'd say even sports games on consoles are much much much more skill oriented then Halo... Where did this Halo has a huge skill curve idea come from? This is an odd forum.NubTub_of_Win
I guess you are one of those guys who only play Social Big Team. Sure its easy because you aren't playing ranked. Get a 50 in Team Slayer or FFA and then come back and tell me how easy Halo is. You have to actually win to rank up in Halo rather then just playing often. My buddies and I played against a real MLG team and they were so good we thought they were hacking, we had 2 kills they had 50. Compare that to CoD where you can get kills by just spraying your LMG down a hallway or firing a noobtube. Halo 3 is definitively one of the most competitively skilled multiplayer games on the console. I can't speak for PC though because I don't really play any competitive games on my PC.
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