@sladakrobot: You will always make excuses for MS. How long is it going to take to finally see a new Perfect Dark or reboot that looks fun? Why haven't we seen a new Lost Odyssey yet? Where is a new Jet Set Radio? It is the same old tired story with MS always. They come out with a few fun games, then the excitement is dead again. I never want MS to fail, but they need to do a better job.
@bdrtfm: Who is they? It is one person. Anyways, the point is that MS still doesn't have many exciting games yet. MS needs to make a splash again. Medium should help them, but they will need a lot more.
@sladakrobot: How does a lot of CGI trailers help anybody? MS is the one that loves to talk out of their butt not me. I know a lot of people like to ignore facts, but MS needs to talk a lot less and do more. People that only get excited about a lot of CGI trailers are setting themselves up for disappointment. When gameplay is shown that actually looks good like Medium, then it makes sense to get excited. Some of the games you listed in your reply are quality. I will admit that. The problem is that MS still has too much PR BS.
MS: We like to talk a lot and still don't have many exciting games at all!
Me: When are you finally going to talk a lot less and do more with the studios that you bought?
Sony still has some issues, but MS continues their PR BS. If you don't think that is true, then I will share some recent history:
Crackdown 3 - A game that should've been all about destruction because that is how it was presented at E3 a few years ago.
SOT - A pirate game that could still be much more. When are ports finally going to be more interesting?
Medium - The gameplay should've been shown at the last event. Why did people need to see it after the event?
Ultimate Game Pass on PC - When is it going to be just as good as the one on Xbox? This would give MS more money.
MS buying Bethesda - Are the games finally going to be less buggy at launch? Are we going to see better titles than Fallout 76? Is MS going to start making Bethesda exciting again?
Scalebound never coming out - What were they thinking?
Fable Legends Cancelled - This was going to happen because it was a bad idea by MS.
MS can do whatever they want including making Elder Scrolls 6 exclusive when it finally comes out, but MS continues to talk more trash than Sony and Nintendo about many exciting games coming out for Xbox and PC. When I actually see that happen from MS, then I will give them a lot of credit.
@jakesnakeel: This comment did make me laugh, but I don't curse at 12 year old kids and haven't played with random people online in years on a console. Why would any reasonable person want to deal with that cesspool? lol
I don't think the hardware in the PS5 is going to be bad, but Sony hasn't sold me on the console yet until they fix a few things. MS has some issues also. If the issues never get fixed, then I will probably just wait till more quality ports are on PC from Sony or MS.
@jcrame10: I agree that it is a minor worry for a lot of people buying a PS5, but MS is doing more with BC which means that Sony should do the same. Competition is always important.
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