@jecomans @Sydrum @Grenadeh Do some of you realize what you just typed? TR is a great game! Sub par game? I would actually like to see a few good reasons why that game is considered sub par! Let me guess......because Lara is not looking for tombs enough? Because she uses a bow instead of two guns? I bet none of you can come up with any good reasons why you consider this game sub par.
I have only played through D3 once, and I have not even maxed out one character. I will go back to it at some point. I am still waiting for much better pvp in this game. But I doubt it will ever happen. I do not even have the game installed right now.
@Auriken I understand what you are saying about these games, but Tor still needs a lot of work. I did have fun with that MMO for a while. ME3 could have been so much better. But It was still a good game. The multiplayer is still fun in ME3. I got my money out of that game. I have not played the DA series so I can't comment on that. But you really think that EA and Bioware together have made a good team? The problem is that EA is known for ruining companies that they buy. I just hope EA will start changing even more now that the CEO has left. I still think EA makes some good games.
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