I just started college, and everyones advice in this thread is good.
Like others said it will be gone forever. Senior year I met my new girlfriend who I'm still with, I did many drugs and drank excessive amounts of booze with me peers. We'd party and have fun together until it all boiled down into us just enjoying eachothers company which made strong friendships.
Everyone I know wishes they could go back to freshman year, and then reminisce about all the wonderful easy times they had.
Your interests pop Dark Cloud and fond memories in my mind.
A third person one sword wielding avatar, a barren world that with "georama" essence of older structures you can "replant" the town of it's lost buildings anyway you want.
Must of been almost ten years ago when I played it.
If you want a custom avatar with quests, loot, and don't mind other playrs you can look at MMORPGs, which will make the time fly if you find one you're into.
Because I hate it. Every time I play a game that baffles me with how unfun it is, it turns out to be mega popular and all my friends start talking about it nonstop for weeks on end. Urgh.
I agree partially, it's no fun when you're getting your ass kicked and die in a blink of an eye. But it's a ****ing blast to play the other way around.
Put a fat girl crying on school steps near the gymnasium with a stud talking to babes in the backround on a mcdonalds wrapper.
Put a diabetic getting his foot amputated on a candy bar or bacon package.
Put a drunken teenager minutes from death being wheeled away by the paramedics from a horrible car accident with his mother flipping tables in the back for dramatic effect on beer bottles and liquor.
Let smokers do the smoking, you all just sit back and breath free air.
For you sober people, the moment you wake up: That's the best you're going to feel all day. - Dean Martin.
This thread is so funny. I live in Alaska, we are basically Canadians. I feel sorry for most of you haha.
The heart rate thing is hilariously rediculous I wonder where he even read that, talking about cannabis on this site is useless. Don't be a sheep try things for yourself and know the truth.
We already eat artificial drugged up food and stare into lit hubs looking at who knows what marijuana hurting you is the least of your worries.
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