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Ccooldudecool Blog

Man...what a crazy "The Apprentice" boardroom...

Since I don't want to spoil it to any readers in the west coast the Apprentice Final 9 was amazing....

The boardroom had highlights such as:

  • The quietest person in the game throwing mothaf'ers and middle fingers.
  • The loudest person in the game stating how she never cusses at anyone.
  • Rebirth of a player heavily critized.
  • One huge lie that goes back to last week.
  • The winners of the challenge storming the board room.
  • The biggest elimination in a while.
Gotta love the show!

MMSF3 & Snow!

First of all, does anyone ( on here ) play MMSF 3? Just bought it and I need bros again! So far (the) game is good.

Secondly, this snow is amazing @_@ my cousin ( who's a lawyer ) posted a pic of the snow in D.C and how a tree smashed a very expensive looking first I thought it was his until he admited it wasn't his. The car was fully covered in snow and I'm just glad that aint my car.

Man, so busy lately gotta start the Phoenix W series sometime...