First of all, hey guys sorry I'm not on much :/ I had my birthday not too long ago, but lately I've been horrible; fractured arm, drama, sickness =_= oh well...
Anyway here's my weird Final Fantasy "tier" list on coolness & fighting.
Note: The characters listed are from FFIII (DS), FFVII, FVIII, & FFX ( + Rikku )Random seeding...First round!
(1)Paine vs. (32) Edea - Ok, so either you have a cool looking badass emo biker girl vs. an old lady who wears too much makeup. ObviouslyPaine wins, even if Edea is strong when you get her she still isn'tthat badass... Winner = Paine
(2)Squall vs. (31)Arc - So Squall ( leon ) vs. Arc!...who's Arc anyway? first of all Arc has to be one of the least noticable/forgetable FF characters, & he battles lame anyway. Winner = Squall.
.(3)Luneth vs. (30) Refia - Sweet a FFIII battle! Both of them look kinda lame...but in a battle Refia would bearly win, or is it the fact she's the only girl on the team? Meh w/e Winner = Refia.
(4) Lulu vs. (29) Red XIII - Ok, so you either choose a beast, literally one, or Lulu who's amazing...while Red XIII does have a cool name & is a beast in battling Lulu seems better overall. Winner = Lulu ( no not just because of her clothing ).
(5) Ignus vs. (28) Kimahri - *yawn* for me these two were rarely used in my party, both are a little cool ( okay maybe only Kimarhi ) with their looks. Sadly both kinda fail at battling both "Overdrives"/"Limit Breaks" are suckish..Winner ( bearly ) is Kimarhi.
(6) Cloud vs. (27) Barret - Ok, Cloud is amazing,Barret isn't close to as amazing, end of subject. Winner = Cloud.
(7) Tifa vs. (26) Ignus - Yeahh Tifa is amazing, Ignus does look cool but he's wayy to boring & his battle skills are lame... winner = Tifa.
(8) Selphie vs. (25) Rikku - Ok, so this matchup ( fine I admit this is the ONLY matchup I rigged. ) is between the 2 hyper,joyful,young,annoying girls! First of all Rikku does look cooler, but her eyes creep me out @_@ ( This is WHY square stopped mixing Korean characters with Japense characters. ) In battle both are just decent. But amazingly Rikku defeated/gave the final blow to the final 4 bosses in FFX every team @_@... Winner: Rikku for some odd reason.
Part 2 ( seeds 9-16 vs. 24-17 ) tomorrow! Remember I'm bored so you don't HAVE to read/follow this.
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