I only own the first Kingdom Hearts on PS2. I should give KH 1 another shot. I think the fan base killed it because I was going in expecting the greatest thing since sliced bread. I may have to make my expectations real or lower them when I play the game again.
@percuvius2 @CecilChups Its alright. Just take one day at a time. Lashing out at others will just make you even more miserable. I hope you learn from this.
@percuvius2 @CecilChups @MjnE I'm still not quite sure how using the term "eastern gamer" is even an insult. If anything, the Japanese are much smarter than ourselves in the west.
@percuvius2 @CecilChups I remember when I was a kid like yourself. I thought that lashing out on others after a hard day at school was a good coping mechanism.
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