i think it was xX R1zz1a Xx
CelticWolfXII's forum posts
I did not know their was a CSI game.
anyway probably blue dragon,bloody roar 3,red steel and star ocean 3
hmmmm....well in my opinion
for best storyline it had to be VII couldn't decide on 2nd because I always remember the bad points in the plots of VIII,IX and X
For battle system I'd say probably XII mainly because they did such a good job on such a risky turn in the series.X a close second by speeding up battles by getting rid of ATB.
Best Character Development it has to go to VI it was very impressive and deep for each individual character and side quests opened more for each character.
Best special attacks( limit breaks,overdrive,desperation,etc...)my favourite had to be VIII with squall's lion heart it was so satisfying beating omega using it. VII limit breaks were very cool also IX's trances were the worst because it always activated without your control.
best sidequests I thought I had to go with X as the celestial weapons was a cool idea to power them up before proper use.
and finally one of my favourites Best Ultimate Boss killing them proves tactics( well mabey on lower levels) emerald and ruby were one of the coolest imo .FFX's penance + dark aeons were a good challenge but ruled out because zamato just made it simple.
I never put in graphics because the newer games obviously have better graphics than the last.
Overall I have no idea which one was the best?.................................................................................................................
so i think this post was pretty pointless
Yes he is evil but he is the GOD OF WAR!! War isn't exactly peaceful.NinjaBlade753I find it peaceful
wading knee high through blood (and urine)
he cares for his family but yeah i suppose he is evil.AsadMahdi59if he cared for them so much he wouldn't have killed them
[QUOTE="CelticWolfXII"]it's like listening to Sinead O'Connor
for 2 days
on a deserted island
while being strapped to a chair
and your best friend has already killed himself because of it
I would love to see Sinead O'Conner live!
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