My computer does have a front-panel jack for headphone and microphone. However, the headphones will then only use the sound from the sound card, not the speakers. The sound card(I think its integrated) is way, way too quiet, whereas if I can play through the speakers the sound volume is fine. Normally I could just plug the headphones into the speakers, but the speakers lack any jack. I have two questions of my own which I will list below which might solve my problem entirely that will not require me to purchase new speakers.
I do not require a microphone. After reading the sticky, Turtle Beaches have a negative outlook; I just heard about them through word of mouth while online. I do not understand your second setence:?Do you require a microphone, meaning a headset with a mic built-in? Generally if you are using this kind of setup your PC microphone jack will not communicate with your XBox360, and you'll have to jack into the XBox360 directly regardless.
Here is one of the two questions I had. From what I understand, the desktop speakers I have possess their own drivers and, using an external power source, are able to amplify my sound card so I can get a louder sound with bass, etc. (this might be all wrong, I have no idea). So I am wondering if the Turtle Beaches, or any $50+ headphones really also possess their own drivers and use their own sound totally and would not need to use my desktop speakers whatsoever? This way I wouldn't have to plug in my speakers and that would free up the audio port for the headphones.The Turtle Beach software should disable your speakers when the headphones are plugged in. If they do not, you can go into the default Windows "Volume Control" and adjust your PC Speaker output. Just go into "Options," then "Properties," and enable the check box for "PC Speaker." This will allow you to adjust its volume independently.
My second question is about port availability. I have my Xbox 360 plugged into the line-in port via an HD AV cable, and my speakers in that green audio port. So I think it's impossible for me to add 3.5mm headphones because I have no ports left, right? Unless either: USB Headphones will work, or if headphones have their own drivers and don't need the desktop speakers to be plugged in to get high volume (keep in mind that my sound card volume is super low). I've read about buying sound cards, but my computer is on loan through my college, so I need an external "amp" like my computer speakers until I buy a computer of my own. Again thanks for being so helpful, I don't expect anyone to pick through my wall of text, but if someone reads it I will check back often. So in tl:dr form, I think I need a pair of headphones that either rely on my speakers' drivers or their own drivers for sound volume/quality/bass/etc. But I've only plugged in earbuds before to the front-panel headphone jack. I turned the Windows volume all the way up and it was too quiet. Maybe something like the Turtle Beaches that has its own volume control might be loud enough even plugged into that head phone jack, but that's something I hope a forum-goer could answer.You will not hurt your PC plugging lots of PC speakers into the various jacks; it's actually quite difficult to hurt a PC by plugging something into the wrong jack, since each plug on a PC is designed for a specific purpose. A power cable from the PSU will not go into a SATA plug which will not go into an IDE slot which will not attach to a Power On header; so no worries, there.
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