You guys are f'ing ridiculous. You know that right? "why dont u stop being fanboys yourself and give ps3 games there right scores. I dont have to go into details because its quite obvious from what u scored, RFOM, Virtua Fighter 5, Motorstorm" Both games were deserving of the scores they got. But I will agree with you, I generally don't go by the scores on this website. Of course, like most websites each game is reviewed by one person thus it's nothing more than a single point of view.
Sony needs to develop strong, stable and intuitive applications to take advantage of the immense hardware and communications ability the PS3 is capable of. Nintendo and MS have both proven that while graphics are definitely nice, they won't single-handedly win gamers over. My honest opinion is the PS3 is a monster of a machine and having held back on releasing said monster would not have hurt its chances. Sony could have launched fall 2007 in force instead of "promising" potential buyers and current owners that they'll get us there. Things like "Home", a better and more robust online games network, better online multi-player features, stream-lining of all online games (ala Live!) and at least one game that shows off exactly what the PS3 is capable of on a graphical and physical level (Motorstorm). Sony also needed to push hard with Sega to not only include online multi-player support for VF5, but have some sort of online competition and ranking community. Especially in North America where the arcade is all but gone. To redefine what I said, Sony should have waited a year until these features and a better selection of games were all (or almost) in place before asking consumers to drop $600. I'm definitely still interested in the system, but I'm not going to run out and lay the smack down on 600 coin just because Sony has great plans for the future of the PS3. I need a day-to-day reason to own one, and admiring a fancy new piece of tech from time-to-time ain't enough. PS. I'd also like rumble back, but it looks like that will happen.
"I'm sure Sony will ride this one out like it always does, because at the end of the day, we all want Sony products." Speak for yourself. The only Sony product I own is the Playstation 2. And the only reason I on a PS2 is because it has more than enough exclusive software to warrant the purchase. The PS3 will not succeed the PS2 as a third party power house. Those days are long gone. So if you must have the handful of franchise favorites like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy, yes you might want to grab one. But if you're complaining about the price as is, how can you justify spending that much for a handful of exclusive games?
Vista has the foundations for of a great OS but it's new and obviously that means, like almost anything, it needs to be broken in. I have a copy of Vista Home Premium sitting on my shelf but won't install until the DX10 Company of Heroes patch is released. My main concern is audio support. The drastic shift in the audio environment has meant the loss of surround sound and all those nice EAX effects we have come to enjoy. I'm not willing to give that up and will remain with XP until the issues with Vista are ironed out or DX10 stuff I must experience begins to arrive. But for a new OS this looks really good.
Oh yeah...well...well...Microsoft developed a superior version of Office for OS X. Stick that in your liberty bell. Seriously though, Apple changed from Power PC's to Intel multi-core CPU's seeing as they finally got around to making them mainstream. That fundamentally allows Windows to function properly on a Mac. The point there is expanding their market. Windows is much more of a gaming platform and now people who prefer Macs don't have to give up their favorite OS to play games. Now Windows users can enjoy what Mac users have had for a long time (an OS designed from the ground up with multi-core processors in mind). And Mac users can whore Windows out for gaming purposes! Everyone wins! Yay!
It's release day and people are already **** There are many obstacles that can only be overcome by going live with a product. Games like World of Warcraft are a lot more stable now than day one of retail for a variety of reasons, one being they were able to see how the game works in a live environment. Anyone suggesting otherwise obviously wasn't there in 2004. It's going to take 6 months for companies to move into gear with excellent Vista support, but this is natural. When it does Vista will be the best OS MS has produced. Whether it can compete in quality and stability with the strong and simple nature of OS X is another story. I prefer OS X but I'm not going to hate on Vista 'cause of it. That's just silly.
"LOLZ, indeed. This is completely superfluous! WoW runs on systems that are made of stone-discs and sticks!" Keyword: runs. I think the point of this guide was to help "guide" players to get the best performance and graphics possible on their systems, and what to do to improve either if need be. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone knows how to fine tune their PC games. I know many people, friends and guild mates, that aren't generally into gaming, let alone PC gaming. For them this guide is a paper explanation of what to do to get the best experience they can. Not everyone can afford to buy a new PC simply 'cause their old one won't run WoW how they may want it to. Not everyone knows, or cares to know, what to reduce (graphically) to get better performance. And not everyone wants to ask people and have them respond with some childish comment or attitude to how much of a noob that person asking the question is. Despite how obvious somethings seem to others, I've seen how people reacted (especially with this game) to those asking questions with "obvious" answers. Anyway, good follow-up to the original guide.
I want to see what media/community/online functions Sony plans to use with the PS3. Sony needs to have working demonstrations, not concepts laid out on overheads. Maybe others aren't, but I am quite hesitant about trusting the elaborate ideas spewed by SCE reps given past experiences with the PS2. Namely the HDD fiasco, the vaporware that is Playstation Online and the removal of the online mode from GT4. While some of you say it is all about the games, it is not. It is not just about the games when a company begins marketting their machine as a do-all entertainment device, especially given the cost. Now, paying $600 doesn't move me, but if I'm going to be spending that ammount of money the product needs to do more than just play games. As far as games go I would like to see Sega announce a new edition to the Nights or Panzer Dragoon families. I would also love to see more Mario Galaxy and improvements to the Wii version of Twilight Princess. But quite honestly I would like to see more from Sega. They have so many great franchises they've let collect dust for far too long.
Chainblast's comments