I know you said you can't go through them all, but what are the nine personas that watch streaming? Currently trying to find it on my own but no luck so far. Will continue to search...
The Kinect hardware may not be a joke however it's current application may well be. For a piece of hardware that increases the expense of the console beyond its competition without providing the "must have" Kinect games, I'm puzzled by its intent. Are Kinect games unannounced? Are they just late? Was it all about "Minority Report" TV control? If it is, then why isn't this functionality available in major countries such as the U.K., Australia, and elsewhere? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I've really been enjoying State of Decay. After seeing some very favorable reviews and buzz, I gave in and checked it out. I was not disappointed. Give it a look PC/Xbox 360 folks.
Perhaps not Kinect, but with the penetration of various social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google + along with recent moves to standardize on a single user I.D., I'd wager they'll eventually be a reputation that will follow users around no matter where they go on the Internet. Folks with negative reputations could be selectively and optionally filtered out when folks play multiplayer games or browse online communities.
The troubling issue is if this does happen will it extend to the hire-ability of an individual if their online "reputation" is available to potential employers. If it's youngsters, could the child's behavior affect their parents in the workplace?
@ParanoidPaal @MAD_AI Right, I sometimes forget that about these games. They are about the multiplayer. I, personally, however, enjoy a good yarn in every game I play. vOv
@ParanoidPaal @ChandlerUSMC It's unfortunate. Read many reviews in the past frequently saying, "We have no idea why we're doing what we're doing..." or "it's just a vague motivation." I believe FPS games could benefit from story as much as any RPG. FPS's shouldn't shy away from choice and player agency essentially locking off or serving up content/paths depending on decisions made. Black Ops II touched on it. Not sure why IW dialed it back from Treyarchs inroads.
@ParanoidPaal No, you're spot on. I believe he wrote Traffic and, perhaps, Syriana. Question is did they cage or unleash his imagination during this gig?
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