@Wensea10 Agreed Wensea. Ubisoft should be financially rewarded for putting out one of the best of the year. Hopefully the reviews get the message out to more folks so they pick up the game. They'll be glad they did.
@Orgil220 @Volgin That would be bad for the industry and bad for the economy. So I'll respectfully disagree with you, Orgil220. Video Game sales are slumping because the generation is stagnant.
@sharinagin For what it's worth, Microsoft is charging $40 for upgrades from all versions of Windows as old as XP-- substantially less than the $200+ they used to charge.
@Landsharkk Exactly this^ Kudos Landsharkk for getting exactly why Microsoft changed the Windows 8 Interface. Because they knew that the money tree that is the current desktop PC will not last forever. This forward thinking move of Windows 8 is sound strategy. Tablets, desktops, and smartphones with the same interface? Not only that applications that work the same and run on both? I can take my excel spreadsheet from my desktop to my tablet to my smartphone seamlessly and instantly? Yes, Microsoft did a smart thing here and beat everyone to the punch.
The folks worried about their old interface reminds me of the resistance to the Mouse/GUI interface. Who remembers the stands taken with the old command line (DOS) interface back when Windows 3.0/3.1 juuuuust started to make inroads. Pry my DOS interface out of my cold-dead hands, was it? We're all seeing it again.
ChandlerUSMC's comments