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ChaosSentinel Blog

My life, part II

Guys, if you haven't read the blog post under this, please do so first. Apparently now it's cool to cut off my post halfway through with "forbidden>"... GAAAH, I had so much more written after that, now it's all gone... I'm tired so sorry if the rest of this sounds sorta half-assed. Anyway, now I get to go on break, and that'll be nice. I'm going to visit my uncle in Portland for a few days, then my mom and I will cruise around Washington and see the scenery... which is beautiful, by the way... but you wouldn't know that from where I've been the past few months. It'll be nice to get out and get some of that... what do you call it again? Sun?

Anyway, in what little time I did have for myself, I went through HG again (and got a friend hooked on the game, too :D). But that's about it. Absolutely NO time has been spent on the fic, so don't even ask. I know I keep putting it off, but every time I underestimate the other things I have to do. It is most of the way done, as I've said before, but I can't realistically see it getting done before this summer. It sucks, I know, but I'm being honest with myself here.

Last time I checked (Christmas time, I think?) the boards weren't as lively as they used to be, but the union seemed to be running pretty strong still. I'm gonna pass out after I write this, but I solemnly swear that I will make a contribution sometime this week. 'Cuz I miss you guys. I miss talking to you, Hazzy. And HewieAlbino (you even post here anymore?) and kawaii_rip, and everyone else. Most of all, though, I DON'T want you guys thinking I've lost interest in Haunting Ground, because I haven't. Sure, maybe I was more excited about it when I first started posting here, but I'm still very into it, and I still want to be a part of the community. I just don't know if that's possible right now. By the time I'm finished with school, dare I say it, the board might be dead, so I'll try to make the most of it now... but I can't guarantee anything. I just don't want anyone to forget me, because I'm still here. All I know is that I have better friends, for the most part, here on the net than I do in real life, and I don't want to lose you.

I can hardly stay awake. I'm gonna go collapse on my bed and have the best sleep I've had in a month. Good night.

*Pouting* Seriously... "forbidden"... what bull**** is that?


Someone come kick my ass...

... 'cuz I need to get in gear.

That's right, your long time hero, role model, and guy you fantasize about (bear with me ladies, all right? Could you give me this one thing? XD), ChaosSentinel, is here again. After an absence of god-knows-how-long, he's making one of those spontaneous appearances you're all so fond of! This week's Spring Break, and he'll be livin' it up in Cancun!

Or so he wishes.

Seriously, to all my friends on the forums, I feel horrible about vanishing like I have. I have literally hardly been on the internet at ALL since January, so don't feel like I'm just neglecting you guys. Really. Check my account on any other site, and odds are I haven't been on anywhere else at all, either. That's what I get for enrolling in a college with 20 to 30 hours of homework a week. Blaaaah... I just pulled an all-nighter finishing my animation last night, but now Spring Break's FINALLY here. I get to relax! Yaaaaay... I'll be staying out here, but at least my mom's coming out to see me which'll be nice. I wish I could go home, though. Chaos misses his puppies...

Speaking of which (I'm now going to launch into a completely irrelevant rant about what has been happening to me lately, so maybe you'll want to skip all this), I have something to be really thankful for. Seriously, if I had one reason to believe in a god, this would be it. My dog Buddy is pretty much my best friend. He's a Keeshond, and I have another dog, but (as cold as it sounds) she doesn't mean nearly as much to me as he does. Anyway, I spent most of my winter break with him. I took him out to a few parks, and we spent a lot of time out in the snow (which he LOVES, btw... just the type of dog he is ). Anyway, I began to notice something strange about him; he started not eating. Now if you knew him, you'd know this was strange... he usually snarfs down his food as if his life depends on it. He usually ends up spilling his water everywhere... it's pretty funny to watch... but I digress. It got so bad to the point where he wouldn't eat anything at all. I knew something wasn't right, so I took him into the vet, and they examined him for a while. Afterwards, they told me they didn't know why he was acting like that, and that he may just be feeling bad. I took him back home, but things didn't improve. He got worse and worse, and it got to the point where he didn't even want to move, and he would just lie down and stare at me. By this point, I could tell something was seriously wrong with him.

I took him in again, and I had the vet do a more thorough check of him. Long story short, they called me back and gave me some really bad news. They told me that his glucose levels were through the roof, which meant he was a diabetic. I never knew that before, because he had never shown any remote symoptoms of diabetes before. They said that if I hadn't taken him in when I did, he probably would have died... But worse, he had a bad case of pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreas, and they said that chances were a tumor was causing it. The first thing they had to do was to get down his glucose level, and after that they could worry about checking for cancer. But overall, their tone was pessimistic. They certainly didn't sound hopeful. All I could do was leave him there. They managed after a few days to get his glucose under control, but they had to get an ultrasound specialist to check for a tumor, and they said it wasn't going to be for about a week. The problem was, I was leaving back to Washington in two days. I went over to visit him one last time where they were keeping him in a small kennel. He had a catheter in his arm and one of those bite shields around his head so he didn't try and get it out, and he just looked so miserable. When I left, he sounded so sad, and I thought it was the last I'd ever see of him. It really got me depressed.

But, through some miracle, he turned out all right. My mom called me from home and said that they got the ultrasound, and that there was nothing else there. His pancreatitis had decreased dramatically, and they thought he'd be all right. Of course, now he has to go eating the same bland diabetic food for the rest of his life, and he'll never get another treat as long as he lives, AND we have to give him shots of insulin regularly... but he's still alive, and that's what really matters. You can understand why I'd be excited to see him again. This summer I'm going back home, and I'll see him then.

Anyway, so I got back to Washington, and school started again. After that it's all kind of a blur of lectures, sketchbooks, and energy drinks... maybe the occasional Wii party or two (WarioWare is the **** by the way XD). It hasn't helped that I have NO forbidden>

Presents all around!

First and foremost, Merry Christmas to you all. May you get lots of awesome **** in pretty little boxes. :D

I suppose, though, I should tell you what's been going on, and why I haven't been posting until this point. See, I was all done with school, ready to fry my brain out with video games and have a good time celebrating (and, of course, spending time on the forums) in my last two days in Washington.

And then the power went out.

I don't know if y'all heard, but Washington just happened to have its worst storm in a decade the day I finished school. Trees down, 120 mph winds... and 13 counties out of power, including the whole of Seattle. I swear, I felt like I was living in one of these post-apocalyptic zombie movies. I walk out and everything's down, there's crap everywhere, and the few stores that are open are dark and using calculators for registers. It was kinda creepy. My roommate actually had family living in Southern Washington, which had power (lucky bastard), and so I was left by myself. And before night came, I had to search for wood for a fire, without much success. Have you ever managed to keep a fire going for 3 hours on just cardboard? It's damn hard! XD

2 and a half days it was like this, lonely and cold and miserable. NOT how I wanted to spend my last few days, I'l tell you that. So naturally I was so relieved to finally get to the airport and be out of there. I finally got back all safe and sound, and I slept for a long, long time. Then I had all sorts of appointments, people who I wanted to see, and Christmas shopping to do, and I've just been relaxing in between. But finally that's all behind me, and I can really get down to business.

I just wanted to check in and say expect me to be here starting Christmas (With, of course, a holiday HG topic of some sort... you gonna do one this year, Hazzy? Yours are always the best :)) and just to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Cheers!

It's on like Donkey Kong...

I've got a head full of ideas for my HG story, I've got "Sly Hunter" set as my ringtone, and my Ricky costume is ready to go.

I am so ready for this. :D

Finals week starts Monday, and after that I'm home free. I'll be back home from December 16th to January 6th, and I'll finally have free time. Which, of course, I'll be spending a good chunk of here with my good friends.

Oh yes, it will be spectacular.

It's all too rare...

That I get a chance to visit y'all these days. This would be the first time in a while that I even got to visit the HG forums. And it kinda makes me sad. -cry- Looks like they're not as lively as they used to be... believe me, come December 16th, I'll change that. I'll have 3 weeks off school... and for those 3 weeks the forums will be full of nonstop me. Too much to handle. :D

Anyway, I had a good Halloween... wore my Rick costume to school, of course, and even entered a pageant XD It depressed me, though... I go to a school for gaming, and only ONE person recognized the outfit as Riccardo. He should be more popular, dammit!

It's really, really late... like, 6 AM late... but I just wanted to stop by, and let you know that in a months' time I'll be here for a while. Sorry for the infrequent visits... but I've been over that many a time.

BTW, My deadline for HG:R part 2 has been moved from last fall to mid-January XD Sad, I know, but I've been working on it intermittently (It's NOT dead... believe me on this one) and the time span has actually allowed me to come up with some great ideas I probably wouldn't have thought of otherwise.

So yeah, time to crash... hopefully I'll be able to visit again SOMETIME soon, but as always it's uncertain... 'night all!

The main event has arrived!

Yep, I'm here in Washington right now... still getting used to everything around here, but at least I've settled in. I'VE GOT AN APARTMENT! Granted, it isn't only mine... but still, that is so AWESOME! :D I'm just working on making friends and stuff... which is harder than I thought. Oh, and I found out I hate shopping at Ikea. But at least now I have a bed, a computer desk... and those UPS bastards nearly destroyed my computer when they shipped it... >:( School started yesterday, and it seems like it's going to be a good experience... if not very tough.

Anyway, just wanted to let y'all know I'm here, and all that. Talk to you soon!

This is it...

All my things are packed, all my crap is ready to go. I'm moving halfway across the country for college tomorrow. I'm going to miss some things... but not most. :D

I don't know yet what this means as far as my future involvement in the HG community... I know I'll be doing a hell of a lot of work, but I promise I'll still try to get on and talk with you guys as often as I can. I just wanted you all to know how great of an experience this has been for me... For a year of my life, this WAS my life... and though I don't particularly want that to change, it looks like it will whether I want it to or not. I couldn't even begin to recall all the good times I've had here...

Anyway, I'm not gonna get all mushy. ^_^ This is dedicated to Hazzy, kawaii_Rip, HewieAlbino, and everybody else that made my life better since I came. I know I haven't been on much lately, and I don't think that it's gonna improve much... but I give you my word that I'll be here. Thanks a lot, guys. :)

My plane leaves in the morning. Wish me luck.

And another year goes by...

Okay, all together now:

Happy Birthday, Chaos!

Yes, it was today on August 1, 1987, that I was born, bringing me up to that age of 19.

Gah, I feel old already.

19's kind of that age between 18 and 21 where it's really... just not that special. I remember when I was little, I used to always know what I wanted weeks ahead of time, I'd have a big party with my friends, and it would be what I looked forward to all year. Well... it's not quite like that these days. I don't really want it to happen, because it just means I've wasted more of my youth. Maybe not, but that's the way it seems.

I had absolutely no requests for presents this year. I just... don't really want anything else. So I guess on the upside, I won't be disappointed with whatever I get... and I'll be spending it alone, too. I mean, my family will be there, of course... but they don't really count. All my friends are either gone off to better things, or I just lost contact... I don't have many left. Which is why I'm all the more excited to finally get out of here, maybe finally get some social interaction...

But now look what I'm doing. There's really no reason I should feel this way. It should be a happy time, like it used to be... and I'm sure it will. All I'm saying is that I'm just not excited about it anymore, really. But I'll enjoy it while I can. It's the one day out of the year that's just for me, so I guess I'll make the most of it. :D

Vacating the premises

Hey, just to let y'all know, I won't be here from this Saturday (the 15th) through next Sunday. I'll be down in Tenesee! Yaaaay! I get to go meet my boring, bitter, smelly old grandparents. Wish me luck... hopefully I won't shoot myself by the time I get back, either from prolonged time in the van with my charming family, prolonged time with those old farts, or prolonged time in 100 + degree weather... I think, between the three, my chances aren't too good. :(

Contrary to popular belief...

This is a public service announcement to confirm that ChaosSentinel, world-renowned author, playboy, and voted sexiest bachelor of 2006, is not, in fact, dead.

This rumor started when he stopped frequently posting on the message boards as was his custom, and work on his fiction was halted due to work he actually had to get done. Recent intelligence reports he is alive and well, and although not confirmed, we believe that he has finally begun work on his fanfiction once again. If he has indeed resumed working on it, the next half of Part II should be out by the time he leaves for school in August. Although he almost never leaves his house, and is suspected to be legally insane by this point, it is theorized that he will still try his best to remain a part of his favorite online community. We tried to get an interview with the man, but all we could get out of him was "HazzyRap is smoking hot." This is all we know until further notice, but we will keep you updated.

Thank you. That is all.

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