There's really no point to this... just to have a blog entry, really. Gotta get used to all the stuff around here.
So, let's see... A grudge is a terrible thing to have. They normally last no more than a day or two, and when you finally think about what you said or did to someone just because you were angry at them for some trivial thing, sometimes you realize you can't take them back. I try my best not to hold grudges, but I still do, it's just human nature. You've gotta know when to let go, or you'll end up taking things too far. It's happened to me more than once, but it happens to everybody from time to time. I've known people who just keep holding on to their grudges, who seem to actually enjoy having them. And they turn out to be very bitter people. It's kind of weird, one minute you think you know someone, but people are just so complicated.
On a lighter note, let me discuss my complete and utter confusion concerning ice fishing. Yes, that great American "sport" where a bunch of guys drag a little shack onto a frozen lake in the dead of winter and sit in it, carving a hole and waiting for fish to bite. It just boggles my mind. I've lived here in Minnesota all my life (though I'll probably be moving this year, wherever my education takes me), and it still baffles me. Why would people do such a thing? Oh, I've heard their explanations. "It's not really about the fishing. It's about spending time with your friends, drinking beer, and enjoying nature". ...WTF? Now, really, If I wanted to drink beer with my friends, I'd do it in my nice, warm house. And as for enjoying nature, I don't know how much nature one can enjoy in a freezing outhouse, but for some reason it's never appealed to me. Can't put my finger on it. And these people still do it when the temperatures get sub-zero, and still do it when the ice starts melting (resulting in some pretty hilarious stuff... one morning I woke up and looked out the window toward the lake near our house, and one of these things was nearly vertical, half in the ice) People have lost vehicles and even lives this way... and for what? To sit around in a cold, crappy wooden shack. I'll never understand it. I guess you just have to be a certain type of person...
And what about fortune cookies? Those things are bull****. I opened one the other day while I was out with my friend, and this is what it said:
"Your life are about to take an unexpected turn."
... Now, if these things were really made in China, I'd understand. But I look at the wrapper... and in fact they are made in Saint Paul, not thirty minutes from where I live. I mean, come on... and besides the grammatical errors, I was just wondering if anybody takes these things seriously. I mean, they're all so vague, they're even worse than those horoscopes in the paper. Are they even Chinese? Seriously, do they really have these things in China? Because I'm beginning to doubt it, half the stuff at Chinese restaurants nowadays is highly Americanized. Anyway, I've never quite seen much point to them, and I find it hard to believe that a mass-produced cookie will predict my future. And that's another thing... they're called "fortune cookies", right? So why do most of them have absoulutely nothing to do with a fortune? I mean, it's usually some piece of advice that's supposed to be profound or helpful. Like "Always look before you leap" or something. I don't care! I want my fortune, dammit!
Let's see... Tonight I was playing poker at this bar near my house (I gotta get some social interaction between working and spending time on the computer), just a free tournament, nothing big. And I lost again. You know why? I went all in on 6-9. It's my favorite hand! I always play it... but unfortunately it couldn't go up against A-K. Yeah, I know... I've been single a loooooong time XD
o and 1 more thign.i don' even noe y i bother n e more tryeing to talk liek i hav n e inteligense on teh internet, evryday i c more an more ppl who tolk liek this i gess its just b cuz i absalutly h8 it wenp eople do it,. it r33ly gets on my nervs. im jus glad sum ppl stil take teh tiem to actchally type som thing i can read,
... But anyway, enough of my rambling. I'm tired.
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