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ChaosSentinel Blog

Decisions, decisions...

They have to be made, whether I want to or not. The pile of **** to do just keeps on piling, and I'm just not getting it done fast enough. Scholarships, loans, living arrangements, and on top of it all, finding a summer job (which is proving to be a much harder task than I first thought). Have you ever worked all day and felt like you haven't accomplished anything? That's how I'm feeling right now. I wasn't able to visit all weekend 'cuz my dad didn't pay the internet bill. What a lazy bum.

Anyway, the main point of this is that as far as Revelations goes, It's moving at a snail's pace at the moment. I was only able to get ONE chapter done last week. Out of THIRTY. I'm afraid if I don't get it done by August when school rolls around, I may never... but I'm not gonna rush it and have it turn out crap. I'm trying my best, but this is one delicate balancing act, and from the looks of things it's about to come crashing down on me. I have no time for fun anymore, and it's really starting to take a toll on me. I'm just glad I have you guys to look forward to.

Don't worry, my peeps... It'll get done. One way or another, it'll get done.

Well, 2 AM... time for a blog entry!

I'm in the mood for a joke. How about you? This has always been one of my favorites. Good stuff.

Okay... three guys exploring in a South American jungle got captured by a tribe of cannibals. The only way the cannibals would allow them to live if they could pass a test. The first step was to go out into the jungle and gather ten fruits of the same kind, and the men were sent out to do this. The first guy comes back with ten apples and is informed by the cannibals that to pass the test, he had to shove all ten of them up his @$$, without any facial expression. He managed to get one in, but on the second he winced in pain and was killed. The second guy came back with ten berries, and he was put to the test as well. He managed to get all the way to nine, but on the tenth he burst out in laughter, and was promptly killed. The two guys met each other at the pearly gates, and the first guy, who had been watching, asked the second guy why he laughed when he had almost passed the test. The second guy says "I couldn't help it... I saw the third guy coming with pineapples!

Wow... I still laugh at that one... it's late XD

Anyways... my already limited time on the forums is once again shrinking... If you will recall, I mentioned getting in to a very nice animation school in Washington, well... they're not very nice for nothing, unfortunately. Before I go in August, I have to fill a minimum of 100 pages of a sketchbook with drawings, both sides of each page, at least 4 sketches each side... and they can't just be whatever I want, they have to be either from direct observation or an excercise from a certain textbook. They recommend 1 to 2 hours each night, all the way up to orientation week. This is already fun. I'm just hoping to be able to have my fanfiction completed by the time I go off to college, because obviously I'll have little to no time to work on it then. Just to let you know, though, this is probably going to mean I'll have less chances to visit you guys, but I'll still aim for once daily, 'cuz this is really the only socializing I can do right now, and if it weren't for y'all, well, my life would be quite dull. I can only hope that this'll pay off someday, and I'll get to work on Haunting Ground 2 ^_^

So anyway, other than that, not much is goin' on here... I did get 10,000 Days the day it hit shelves, which I love dearly :) I do need to make a more genuine effort to get a summer job if I'm even going to have a chance of paying off this huge loan anytime soon... whatever I can get, it has to be better than my last job. Put on my Riccardo outfit yesterday just because I could... don't really have much use for it now, no fellow HG fans here :( But I still do get a kick out of chasing my retarded, useless cat around with the flintlock and quoting Riccardo. Too bad it's not Fiona I'm chasing, though... or Daniella... :)

I think I'm gonna have good dreams tonight as long as I stay on that train of thought. Good night, all! :D

Throw your hands up!

Hey, my peeps! Part one of Part two (Confusing, I know) of my fanfiction is now officially up! I'd be ever so grateful if you read it! *Please* read the Author's Note first, though.

Enjoy! :D

It's not just another passing interest...

It is just so strange. In the time I've been part of the Haunting Ground community (About half a year already... wow), I've tried to be as involved as I can. I have no idea why, but for some reason this game, which most people never thought much of, has completely hooked me. It's more than just a video game, It's the only reason I'm even ON gamespot,, and a host of other sites, I still play it just as much as I used to, making it the longest time I think I've ever spent on a video game... but although I do love the game very much, I don't think I'd still be playing it right now if it weren't for all the people on the message boards, the people at the union... Because you guys just never let this game get old. It's great that the fanbase for it is so big and diverse, and I've made a lot of friends here. Every other game I've played, pretty much,  has just been something fun for about a month or two, then I throw it off to the side, where it collects dust. But not this one ^_^ I'm more interested in it than ever, what with me working on a fic, fanart, and a whole bunch of other stuff... it has turned me into a completely obsessed nerd. I can say with complete faith that it's my favorite game of all time, and I can tell that this game isn't going to be collecting dust for a long, long time.

All thanks to my buddies that are the Haunting Ground fanbase. I salute you!

As for what I'm doing as of now, most of the free time that I do have right now is spent working on my fanfic, either thinking of ideas for it or writing it, although I did make a picture for my signature a while back, I have yet to put it up, because of a little problem... There's one picture I need for it, but the camera with said picture is still being developed. Yes, I know, I don't have a digital camera... DON'T LAUGH AT ME! :cry:

I have had some good ideas for fanart, although I haven't gotten around to making it yet... And as for myself, I'm still busy as hell, but doing okay. My dogs got taken to the groomers (Sometimes I try to do it myself, but these dogs are HAIRY, and you should see them after they walk through a few bramble bushes...) and my mom told them specifically NOT to shave them (They did it last time, and although they looked funny as heck, it was the middle of winter, and they froze their butts off), and when they got home I nearly died laughing. I'm not quite sure why, but they DID shave them... but not all of them. They left the fur from about the shoulders on up, so they look like little dinky lions or something. As pissed as I am at those people, they provided me with one of the best laughs I've had in some time. And as for school, I'm just getting ready... applying for financial aid (Yaaaaay!), getting living arrangements set up, and all that fun stuff. I am so pumped about this :) And I'm trying to do some reading on the side, James Clemens' Shadowfall... If any of you are fantasy lovers, I would highly recommend it. Very intriguing and different, and all of the characters are really involving. Anyways... I'm sure I'll find the time to do everything I want to do sometime soon. Now excuse me while I go back to my life in the fast lane! *Chaos walks away to wash his clothes then go to bed*

I got in! I got in!

I just SO got accepted into DigiPen! I am so happy right now, so I'm just gonna brag ^_^ It's located in Redmond, Washington (which is right next to Seattle, BTW) and is located within 5 miles of the main office of Microsoft. And the best part is... It's connected to the corporate offices of Nintendo of America!!! That is so cool! Only about 200 people are accepted each year, so I feel so lucky right now! I'm going for a 4-year Bachelor of Fine Arts in Production Animation! I'm gonna be working on video games for a living! Who says you can never be what you wanted to as a kid? Now I just gotta get scholarships and raise enough money to cover tuition, but for right now I'm just celebrating.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

I'll be happy all day today, just to let y'all know.

GAAAAAH! The world is going mad!

Or maybe it's just Gamespot. I'm seeing usernames of people that don't exist, I'm being taken to random error pages when I just want to get to a forum, and to top it all off, now it's telling me that I'm level 00. WTF? What is going on? Are they doing major renovations or something, or is the page just whacked out? It's been going on for weeks, and it's kind of annoying.

Random thoughts

There's really no point to this... just to have a blog entry, really. Gotta get used to all the stuff around here.

So, let's see... A grudge is a terrible thing to have. They normally last no more than a day or two, and when you finally think about what you said or did to someone just because you were angry at them for some trivial thing, sometimes you realize you can't take them back. I try my best not to hold grudges, but I still do, it's just human nature. You've gotta know when to let go, or you'll end up taking things too far. It's happened to me more than once, but it happens to everybody from time to time. I've known people who just keep holding on to their grudges, who seem to actually enjoy having them. And they turn out to be very bitter people. It's kind of weird, one minute you think you know someone, but people are just so complicated.

On a lighter note, let me discuss my complete and utter confusion concerning ice fishing. Yes, that great American "sport" where a bunch of guys drag a little shack onto a frozen lake in the dead of winter and sit in it, carving a hole and waiting for fish to bite. It just boggles my mind. I've lived here in Minnesota all my life (though I'll probably be moving this year, wherever my education takes me), and it still baffles me. Why would people do such a thing? Oh, I've heard their explanations. "It's not really about the fishing. It's about spending time with your friends, drinking beer, and enjoying nature". ...WTF? Now, really, If I wanted to drink beer with my friends, I'd do it in my nice, warm house. And as for enjoying nature, I don't know how much nature one can enjoy in a freezing outhouse, but for some reason it's never appealed to me. Can't put my finger on it. And these people still do it when the temperatures get sub-zero, and still do it when the ice starts melting (resulting in some pretty hilarious stuff... one morning I woke up and looked out the window toward the lake near our house, and one of these things was nearly vertical, half in the ice) People have lost vehicles and even lives this way... and for what? To sit around in a cold, crappy wooden shack. I'll never understand it. I guess you just have to be a certain type of person...

And what about fortune cookies? Those things are bull****. I opened one the other day while I was out with my friend, and this is what it said:

"Your life are about to take an unexpected turn."

... Now, if these things were really made in China, I'd understand. But I look at the wrapper... and in fact they are made in Saint Paul, not thirty minutes from where I live. I mean, come on... and besides the grammatical errors, I was just wondering if anybody takes these things seriously. I mean, they're all so vague, they're even worse than those horoscopes in the paper. Are they even Chinese? Seriously, do they really have these things in China? Because I'm beginning to doubt it, half the stuff at Chinese restaurants nowadays is highly Americanized. Anyway, I've never quite seen much point to them, and I find it hard to believe that a mass-produced cookie will predict my future. And that's another thing... they're called "fortune cookies", right? So why do most of them have absoulutely nothing to do with a fortune? I mean, it's usually some piece of advice that's supposed to be profound or helpful. Like "Always look before you leap" or something. I don't care! I want my fortune, dammit!

Let's see... Tonight I was playing poker at this bar near my house (I gotta get some social interaction between working and spending time on the computer), just a free tournament, nothing big. And I lost again. You know why? I went all in on 6-9. It's my favorite hand! I always play it... but unfortunately it couldn't go up against A-K. Yeah, I know... I've been single a loooooong time XD

o and 1 more thign.i don' even noe y i bother n e more tryeing to talk liek i hav n e inteligense on teh internet, evryday i c more an more ppl who tolk liek this i gess its just b cuz i absalutly h8 it wenp eople do it,. it r33ly gets on my nervs. im jus glad sum ppl stil take teh tiem to actchally type som thing i can read,

... But anyway, enough of my rambling. I'm tired.

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