Superman. He could blow up the world and kill them all. Or send the world back in time and kill them before they were born. But that would be no fun now would it.
Needs to not break down with the ring of death after a years worth of hardcore gaming. All my friends who brought the 360 eventually had to buy another while my PS3 is still running fine. But I've always been a PC man. It has always been an all in one device and more.
Thats true but there was plenty of close quarter combat on Iwo Jima. Island warfare can be done the same with air craft and ships being used as support powers just like in the previous game. Plus you can do Manchuria against the russian. Or you can focus on the Chinese pushing the Japanese back out of China similar to the Russians pushing back Germany... Sorry for the rant.
I can't wait but was hoping for a bit more then just the Russians added as a team. Will the Multiplayer/Skirmish side of the game still contain the American and British teams? and could we see a possible Pacific campaign in the future but involving the Japanese/Chinese/American.
This guy has a drug problem the first thing he does when he sees a blue mushroom is eat it. Instead of malaria effects he will probably keep having flashes from a bad trip.
Its about time they brought out a solely Aliens game thats not an Alien vs Predator. I think the last one I played had graphics like Doom 1. I wonder what the multiplayer side of it will be like.
They need another Sonic like Generations. First Sonic I played since the originals and loved it. Anyone who played the original Sonic the hedgehog would know that he doesn't really move that fast and once you pass the 1st two stages it is more a slow paced platform where you avoid falling in pits/spikes and larva. Usually the high path is the fastest and safest but hardest to get to.
Lol love the old photo of them. This was the only fighting game I liked back in the day. Actually tried to master 1,2 & 3. Now I suck at it been spoiled with todays easy fighting games. Haven't had the chance to play the new Mortal Kombat yet.
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