The graphics looks pretty dated and I bet they try to tack on a lot of pricy dlc when this comes out. Smh anther COD clone I'll pass on this. I'm just gonna get the Mario CIA Operatives when it comes thus fall for the Wii
They should have put something about launch consoles being able to last more than a few months or a year without breaking down. I would much more prefer that console devs take their time and produce reliable worthwhile systems. I'm pretty content with this gen, I don't find myself as excited about the next gen as i was for the PS3/360/Wii or even as i was for the PS2/Xbox/GC/DC generations. This gens graphics are pretty up there as well as the capabilities of the games next gen would have to be like Avatar level with and saiyon powerful to justify an upgrade. Also at the current trend a new gen doesn't necessarily mean better games...when that should always be the reason for an upgrade. I imagine massive games like Elder Scrolls or Fallouts could be better off because of them but other games seem to not even take full advantage of this gens power. And hopefully a new gen doesn't bring $70 priced games with it. Bu hey maybe I'm just talking out my a*# idk
How can there be words to describe how I great this game is looking. SOmebody please help me find the words! I don't know how they are able to pack so much content into one game and still only sell it for $60, while alot of other games are barely worth $30.
Really? With all that's going on in the world there are still those who divert their energies into protesting against games? These things always seem pretty frivolous. but then again seeing as this was spurred on bu FOX it's not that surprising, smh they always need something to fuss about.
Chaos_Dante_456's comments