they will destory us if they start firing with that many tanks *starts shooting dark arrows at the incoming tanks*
wait, something ain't right here... *looks beyond the tanks* what the...! its HIM! the guy who nearly killed me! he'll pay for what he done to me!! *stops firing dark arrows and pulls out swiftblade and starts running towards the guy*
*gets surrounded by NOWF soldiers and tanks* ha! do you all think you all can win?! even if the odds of me winning are slim!
*pulls out two swords* the legendary blade of power, fenenir! and the legendary blade of speed: swiftblade! these swords will be the end of all of you! *goes berserk and starts destorying the remaining NOWF forces in half*
leave that to me *puts on a NOWF soldier suit* good thing i stole this from a knocked soldier *walks towards one of the trucks and talks to the soldiers inside*
uh... we are running a inspection check on a random truck to make sure that nothing will go wrong like a sudden explosion or something so i need you guys to get out and jump into the nearest lake to make sure that you don't have any...oil or anything
NOWF Soldier: okay *they all get out*
thank you and remember to go jump in a lake *drives truck back*
leave the rest to me! using the heat from the desert, my fire powers can take them all down within seconds *intensifies the heat from the desert towards the remaining mothmen and causes them to start falling from the sky*
and there you have it, those mothmen will dead in a mintue so you don't have to worry about them.
yes can you speed this thing up! i'm can't keep this up forever!
wait a second, don't moths go towards fire? becasue i think i can slow them down with my amazing power over fire *makes a big ball of fire and shoots it towards the mothmen* if they still follow us anyway, the ball of fire should explode and get rid... of... them...all... *suddenly faints*
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