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Chaosknight69 Blog

Gaming turned out pretty good this year (With Pics)

Oh mah gawd, can't believe I'm doin' a blog entry. OMGWTFBBQ!!! Yeah, howdy guys, I know it's been a long time since I was even here, and I keep leaving without notice, but blah! I'm somewhat being more frequent here again thanks to this baby:

Got this on Christmas day (hope you all had a wonderful holiday by the way). No need to go into details on what's on it and such. I'll just say it's a Toshiba Laptop, and I f****n love it. XD With this I'll be able to check out GS more, because I no longer have to rely on my PC. (I hate it so much). >_>

Anyways, as for gaming, I hardly bought actual games, because I've been spending my money on PSN cards. The Playstation store is freaking crack to me. I did get around to buying real games whenever I got the chance, and even a few friends sent me some for gifts. There were some games I got, but I got rid of them after beating them *coughFFXIIIcough*, because I knew I wouldn't play them again after I finished them, or i'll end up replaying them way later in the futre.... like a year later later. XD

I'll be honest, the only reason I did buy Atelier Rorona was because of the damn box. That thing is huge! o_o the games I enjoyed playing the most from the pic are Parasite Eve (Love that series now) and Sakura Wars. games like Dead space,Eternal Sonata & xenogears are not in the picture because I let a friend borrow them, but I do have them nonetheless!

All in all, I've enjoyed most of the games I've played this year. With Mass Effect 2 (PS3),Dragon Age II, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 & Dead Space 2 coming next year I know I'm in for some awesome stuff coming my way. :D

That's pretty much it, a blog after all this time, and I had a good amount to share. Now I wonder who's actually going to read this. XD

Chaos Uses Phoenix Down on Blog!

Wow, just wow. It's been WAY too long since I last posted up a blog. It's mainly my fault for not checking my page out, though I've been on GS posting in the unions mostly. Where to start off...well, those sad times I endured the beginning of the year are no more because I have money in my pocket aka a job. Nothing else special has really happened over the past months, so this blog must suck. XD Gaming-wise, I've been on a good streak with playing some pretty awesome games. The most recent being Demon Soul's which I got from a great friend of mine and Borderlands.

Demon's Souls - Great RPG, especially since it's from Atlus. A bit on the difficult side, but it wouldn't be very fun if it wasn't if you ask me. Loving everything about it from the gameplay to the graphics. Quick thing though, if you're new to the game and see dragons in the beginning of the game, do not walk towards them. XD

Borderlands - What can I say about this without instantly talking about the the online co-op? Well, it's a fun RPS or Role Playing Shooter like the box says. It's safe to say this could be a great equivalence to Fallout 3, if not better. My favorite class has to be the Siren, so far

"Look at her, trying to play that innocent female status, we all know what's she's capable of."

Next I'll mention the co-op. Just awesome! It kicks the single player mode in the balls that's for sure. Played it earlier with my friends Ron, Max, and Andy. We had a hell of a time going through missions and though I didn't have a bluetooth, I still blended in with the rest of the guys. XD We should play definitely play online games more often.

Hmm, I'll cut this short by saying if anyone who usually read my banners and was wondering where I was, I'm all right and I may start posting more blogs. If you wanna find me be sure to check out the RPG Temple Union. Great place for anyone to join.

Chaos is out and I'll see you guys next time. :D

Oh happy day :P

Well hello there. inauguration 09 has come and Barrack Obama is officially in office as the President of the United States. I wore an Obama shirt all day today and while most people praised it, others well...yeah they're what I call ignorant. :P Anyways, it's a great day for our country and everyone else (Minus the economic crisis lol) I took a little time off fom here last week (kinda) and got alot accomplished. Forgot to mention, got my Tax refund today. (Surprised I could even file them at such a young age lol) but yeah, money in my pocket at the moment and what does that mean? Games, food, toilet paper and more games. xD Not sure what I'll buy but it'll be worth it. :P I'll stop here and go browse "teh internetz" Later peoples. :D

Tis' The Season!

Hello and merry Christmas to all! Hopefully everyone is having an excellent day. :) I actually like this Christmas alot because I went and worked really hard to get gifts for my friends and family. I guess it IS better to give than to receive since I feel great about giving out gifts. Now onward to presents and such. I have a couple at my house but didn't open them yet (I'll do that after this blog lol) I'm not really expecting anything special but I'll be happy with whatever I get. I also want to know what you guys got, so feel free to share it here. :P Uh, suddenly my mind went blank. XD I guess I'll end this now and call some friends and family. See you guys later and happy holidays. :)

Oh dear, a new blog has arrived.

Well well, it's been a while since I've made one of these huh? I Last one I made was around August I believe...not good. :? Anyways, I wanted to fix my profile up and already done so. It's based of Valkyria Chronicles in case you didn't know. :P Opinions please I can finally make banners and sigs again and I'm kind of rusty. >.> Also, sorry for not posting comments in people's blogs. I haven't checked this profile in a while so yeah. :P Uh...anything else? not really. :P I'll see everyone later since I'm off to play Valkyria. xD Later guys. :)

GS hiatus

Hello everyone, it I once again with a announcement. I'm just gonna take a little GS hiatus for a few days. Working and a few other things have made me extremely tired. Trying not to overdo it so eh it's somethin' I have to do. :P Also, another reason I'll be gone is This is why This game ks freaking addictive and Makoto is my favorite all time favorite character. :P Too bad she's not in IV otherwise I'd kick so much ass with her online. xD All righty, that's it for now guys. I'll everyone in a few days. :)

Updates I guess

Hiya peeps, tis I again after a LONG blog hiatus (I was in unions mostly) After that E3 blog I decided to stop for a while because of messages I've received but that's not the topic now. :P In gaming news I'm just playing Final Fantasy VII and Soul Calibur 4. Although people take SCIV TOO seriously online, I still have fun playing it and it's more fun if I play against my friend Dimitris. xD Disgaea 3 comes out tomorrow but I'm not gonna get it until Thursday probably. Money has been tight for a while now but I think I can buy it by the end of this week so I'm grateful about that. :) Anything else I wanna say?...not really xD Yep that's it for now guys, see y'all later. :D


Hey hey peeps Chaos' here again with a new blog :P And yes it's another gaming blog xD. Oh yeah, hope everyone had a nice 4th of July :) Anyways uh...lets see, I changed my pre-order of the plain regular Soul Calibur 4 to the limited edition. Even though it costs around $80 it's worth it xD. you get a T-shirt, a metal case, a DVD, an art book and a tournament bracket. if you can't tell...I'm a big Soul Calibur fan :P also I might take a pic of the T-shirt...I MIGHT wear it for the pic but eh xD. Just 3 more weeks until it comes out :D In other gaming news I beat MGS4 and all I can say is....WHAT A TWIST (Hope someone gets the reference lol) the ending was so good it actually brought made me replay the storyline again.:P Online play is fun, but sometimes people take the game too serious xD I'm still waiting on one person to take on (You know who you are dude xD). I also picked up the Phoenix Wright game yesterday and it's great xD That's all for now, see you guys when Soul Calibur is out xD

Plan is in Full Effect :D (Future PS3 plans)

Hiya peeps I got a little secret to tell ya :P It's about my PS3. I got MGS4 today and wow...greatest game for PS3 so far xD. Also I pre-ordered three games that I'm really looking forward to, Valkyria Chronicles, Soul Calibur IV and Disgaea 3 :D I looked into Valkyria Chronicle and it looks great...almost TOO great @.@ lol but anyways thats pretty much it I guess, hope everyone's summer is going well and uh for my PS3 friends that have MGS4...see you online xD Chaos is out :P

In a good mood xD

Well people as the title I'm hyped up and uh...I feel messaging some people :P uh I would play some people on the PS3 but I didn't get MGS4 :? and I only have puzzle fighter and call of duty T_T eh but I wanna do something even if it's talking xD Wow what a short blog I guess thats it...see you guys later? O.o