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Chaosknight69 Blog

Crazy Day part 2

Yo remember the blog I made yesterday? that was only the morning time lol I'm gonna continue with wat happend next and some other things that happened today.ok yesterday me and my friend Leslie aka starrfox played street fighter alpha 3 dramactic battle mode one more time.We both choose Chnu Li and thats when everything went crazy lol.we decided to do dramatic battle survival mode so everytime we fought we attacked them from both sides until they got dizzy and then we both did that kick she always does (forgot wat it was called) and that was a 99 hit was over 99 but the damn combo system only went up to 99 lol.After all the game playing Leslie.this is when my day gets crazy I get calls and messages from people I haven't talked to in months one of them was my brother-in-law and the messages were from some1 very special (you know who you are lol). as of today...I kinda woke up and hour ago...even though it's 5 in the afternoon now lol I wonder whats gonna happen tonight if something crazy blog for all of you lol see you all later

ps..I'm Da Cookie Man xD 

what a crazy day

Today me and my friend starrfox aka Leslie decided to play some games.first we played mortal kombat armageddon......he won mostly >_>  I beat him a ouple of times he showed some dumb glithces with the air combos (cheater).Then We played street fighter alpha 3 dramatic battle (2 against 1) I was Ken and he was Shin Akuma.we blazed through the stages...especially when we fought Balrog lol.then we got up to Bison we won the first,lost the second and then it came up tp the final round we did good and then we started a combo with the V-ism special bar I did around 20 hadoukens with ken and Akuma just punched Bison  together that was a 50 hit combo (I'm not joking)and to top it off we both used Shin Akuma and did the Raging Demon...AT THE SAME TIME you can't do that since we share one special bar but we did it lol and this is the joke of the day he logged in on GS and showed me some messages it was from a girl who supposivly likes him  and her name I guess is alexis-13 he showed me the picture of her she look like Morgan Webb from that show X-Play WTF????? O_o thats disturbing but Morgan Webb look way better than her :P

this is the craziest day ever and it's still the morning wonder whats gonna happen later on lol 

A final return?....and a new union coming up?

Yo everyone it is I yet again.sorry for not being here that much I really don't have that much time for GS or anything one of these days I'll officially be back...I just don't know when :P.I'm thinking bout making a new union,The Anime Luvers Union was great but I noticed not that many peopl are there.My next union will be about Bleach and it'll have everything from wallpapers to avatars and urls to the latest episodes.I think this one will be better than my old one.well thats all I gotta say for now next blog will be about the union well see you guys later :D

Your boy is back!!!!!

Thats right ya'll Chaos is back on GS :P I know someone noticed I was gone...if not then why didn't you?!?!? lol just playin everything is goin great for me....except I got the flu a few days ago >_> but  I'm better now I made some new sigs of course :P and  I also made a little somethin out of's a wallpaper!
That s the url to the wallpaper.Also in recent news I just started workin on my first AMV I will put it on youtube and make another blog of it when I'm finished...probably by the end of the weekend...hopefully :P well thats it for me now if you don't here from me on Gs I'll either be on Gaia,Myspace or a secrete website which I can't say just yet :lol: see you all later :D

Best Day Ever

Today was the greatest day :P.I got God Of War 2,The Legend of zelda twilight princess and Lumines plus.God of war 2 is the craziest game ever it's way better than the first one.Twilight princess is also a good game I say it's the best game on the gamecube....besides Resident Evil 4:P.Lumines is a fun puzzle game with good graphics and interesting music. I also got a new controller since my old ones are crappy lol thats all I gotta say now I'll see you all later :D

Well...I'm back from my little break

Hey everyone I bet some people noticed I was gone Ihaven't been on in about a week or so...I had a couple run ins with some people it's better if I don't mention it.well at least I'm back huh? :P

P.S I made three sigs and I can't choose which one I should use all three of them are really good so I need some second thoughts on which one to use

This is gonna be one crazy Valentines Day

Well this week is Valentines Day....that means more work for me to do :?This Valentines Day is my mom's birthday (Hard To Believe :P)I'm also gonna have to deal with my gf.....if she's even talking to me :lol: This is gonna be the longest week of my life.....and also which lovely lady wants to be my Valentine? :P

Chaos Is Bored......again

Yes I am bored today I did nothing cause my friends were busy with family stuff and I was all by myself today :cry: my photobucket is messed up I'm having  trouble uploading my sigs This is what I call the best weekend ever (Sarcastic :P)