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Chaosknight69 Blog

Should I make a union?

I was thinking about making a Anime union since the current anime union I'm in is not really active.I f I were to make the union I would need some charter members.I also need someone to make the Banner.If you want to be a charter member let me know.

Need a online name

since I'm playing MGS3:Sub I'm also gonna play online but the problem is I can't think of a online name for myself.I have no idea what I should go by.If anyone can help with some names I would appreciate it

Got MGS3:Subsistance

I got MGS3:Subsistance today.Just 5 minutes ago I got it I didn't play it yet since I'm writing this blog.This game is really good and with the extras it has from Online to the original MGS for the NES.This is worth it today is a good day indeed

Random Anime Pics

I was bored so I decided to put some pics of my favorite anime characters I'll update it later with more pics and here is one of them I hope yoyu like them

This is Spike and vicious from Cowboy Bebop

Outlaw Star

Outlaw star is one of my favorite Anime shows of all time.It's scifi style anime with a great storyline.It's about a man named gene Starwind who goes around space looking for the person that killed his brother.He meets up with some people and one of them is a girl named Melfina......who doesn't know anything about her past.So just like other anime Gene is going to help Melfina find clues about her past.he meets up with another person named Aisha who can be scary sometimes.This show has some crazy twist in it and when you find out who Melfina really is then you will be speechless.

This is Aisha........she scares me:?

Anyway this is the best anime I've ever saw and if you did'nt see it go and watch it.

New Anime "Bleach"!

A few people told me there was a anime show called Bleach and I never heard of it.Some of them took a quiz about it to see which character from the show they are and I decided to take it too.I took the test and I was the main character from and here he is

 Take The Quiz Yourself!

I haven't seen the series yet but I will this looks really good.Whoever is reading this and like Bleach tell me who your character is after you took the test

PS1 month update/Need a new game

Hey everyone Chaos here telling you I'm having fun with PS1 month,I'm playing Megaman:Legends 2 and that game is very fun.I'm fighting the final boss and I'm not doing so good but I'll try again later tonight and then I'll finish dino Crisis.As for the the other thing once the PS1 month is over I'm thinking about getting a new game I don' know exactly what though.I'm thinking about getting a survival horror game like Haunting Grounds or something like that or a FPS game like timesplitters.I don't know what I should get.Someone help me decide please!

PS1 Month *Updated* with list

This Month I'm gonna play some old games.I'm gonna play all of my games for the PS1.I'll be playing FFVII,Megaman:Legends 2,and a few other games I can't mention just yet but wait later on this month and I'll update this blog to tell you what I've been playing If you have any suggestions on what game I should play feel free to tell me

Here is the list of the games I'll be playing


.Megaman:Legends 2

.Dino Crisis

.Soul of the Samurai

.Street Fighter Alpha 3

.Grand Turismo 2

.King of Fighters 98

.Rival Schools

Syphon Filter 2

.Syphon Filter 3

I'll add more games later this month and keep suggesting on what I should play everyone

Gun Of The Patriots:The Final Mission?

Metal Gear Solid 4:Gun Of The Patriots is the newest MGS game coming out.Solid Snake is back and he's aged and when I mean aged I mean AGED.This game looks good and they have a few surprises in the storyline.Meryl from MGS for the PS one is back most people thought she died and the story continued from there but they were wrong.Otacon is also in it of course he helps snake during the missions.Raiden is also back and he looks better in this one than he did in MGS 2.If we do get to play as him then it would be alright since he has that ninja look lets just hope he doesn't get naked again.I can't wait for this game to come out this is on the top of my list for when I get a PS3.(Man I feel like I wrote a review for the game already)

PS3 price......What The?!

I was watching the E3 press conference and they showed the PS3 and announced when it will come out.I was happy when they said it would come out in November of this year but when I heard the price I was speechless.The system will cost $500-$600 what is up with that?! well I guess it will be worth it I might as well start saving my money now