i dunno its hard to judge what ones better i do really
like this one mainly because of the GREEN LED!
how about we say its a tie and forget me saying the
zelda one one was better:lol:
i dunno its hard to judge what ones better i do really
like this one mainly because of the GREEN LED!
how about we say its a tie and forget me saying the
zelda one one was better:lol:
This is a freaking sweet mod right here:lol:
Ive seen a metriod one but im more of
a Zeldafan so this one suits me well:D
The LED Blue lights are a very nice touch;)
This year Christmas was different for
me. I usually would always try to find
where my parents hid the presents but
this year i didnt want to ruin the surprise.
But i do kno a few of my presents tho
thanks to both my sisters. One of them
told me i was getting the Wii but that didnt
really matter all to much cuzz i knew i would
get one. And also i would have figured out allready
because i kno were the wii is under the christmas
tree:D Its going to be a totally different Christmas for
me this year because i dunno kno really what im getting
so im getting very exitied to see what i got. I can wait but
it sucks tho cuz i dont get to open my presents in the morning.
My family makes us wait tell were done eating supper.
And also were not opening all of our presents on Christmas Eve either
were saving some fo Christmas Day which we have never done.
Im 17 years old and its has changed for that long of time so this
Christmas is going to be something special:lol:
And also i must also say to who ever is reading this
Merry Christmas && A Happy New Year
hope you get whats ya asked for;)
My enemy would be Christmas Eve
i have to wait tell around 5 to 6 tell
i get my hands on my Wii. And i must
say im exitied out of my mind i use to
love playing video games. But i stopped
gaming and went out more hahhhaa chillin
with friends and parting are all cool an all
but i love playing video games one of my
most favorite thing to do. And im getting
Zelda: TP, MOH:H2, and Mario Galaxy. I
allready decided that im going to play
SMG first ive been hearing nouthing but
good things about it soo im going to hit
that game up first and im sure i wont be dissapointed.
But Christmas is almost here and it really sucks
having to wait for the last couple of days. They always
take the longest im going to have to do sometinhg to
take my mind of things so im not so exitied. I've been
playing Tales of Symphonia to pass the time i love that
game ive beat it enough times but i cant help myself with
that game one that i can play over and over.
But hopefully it goes by fast cuzzz
i cant wait tell i rip that box open and find the
treasure ive been waiting for but tell then
i have to waittttt.waittttttt............waittt and wait some more
cuz i kno the few days we still have left are going to fell
like an eternity.
Cheezy-Beezy Out
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