Horror is hard to do well, especially these days. Our socieity is desenseitized so it really has to be good to really work. Dont think of a complex plot, its a short film not a feature. Think of a situation rather than a plot. Something like The Mist, which is pretty much people trapped in a market and they get attacked. Keep in small scale with as few shooting locations as possible. I am making my own short soon too so I am going through some trouble thinking of a good short too.
What did you think of my plot and ways to improve it?I like the plot, it reminds me of That book The Girl who loved Tom Gordon by Stephen king for some reason. If you can film it I dont see much wrong with it, I didnt get the key part at first but it could still work. Do you know how you are going to film the monster parts? I can see it as being like in the first Evil Dead film where the camera zooms toward someone and moves around and you can hear a weird sound as it moves. I am making my own short with one camera and one house as the setting. Its going to be a mockumentary kinda thing where 2 friends have someone film them holding one of their ex girlfriend's family hostage. I'm using my house to film it, I know where everything is and I know I have control of any exteral problems. When you film outside you have tons of problems with sound, making sure each shot is consistant, and making sure no people get in the way. Good luck though, I hope you do well with this, I see a lot of potential:) Do you know where you will be filming the abandoned building part?
Yes it is literally an abandoned hospital in a forest. Today I was going to film but it was raining! So yes consistency with shots (especially ones outside the forest) will be/is hard. The Monster parts will be filmed in a number of ways. A few are the monsters POV (not sure if I should keep it as I filmed it or make it slightly blurry or even black and white...)which would be good to include wierd music for when he moves. Another is an extreme long shot and also the joggers POV seeing the monster in a blur (Not sure howto create theblur bit).As you said outside sound is very hard to film so I will have to use alot of sound effects, some which I will create. I unfortunatly have to use Windows Movie Maker so any advice on how to over come some of its problems such as you can't put sound effects and music in at the same time, would be helpful. Also still looking for a name for the film if anyone thinks of a good one.
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