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Nine Words Women Use

Hey everyone, I was sent this the other day and decided to share it with you all. It made me laugh a lot, probably because it's so true! :lol:


1.) Fine : This is the word women use to end an argument when they are Right and you need to shut up.

2.) Five Minutes : If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3.) Nothing : This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing, usually end in fine.

4.) Go Ahead : This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

5.) Loud Sigh : This is actually not a word, but a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)

6.) That's Okay : This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7.) Thanks : A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say "You're welcome".

8.) Don't worry about it, I got it : Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?'. For the woman's response refer to #3.

Send this to the men you know, to warn them about arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology. :P

Send this to all the women you know to give them a good laugh, cause they know it's true. :lol:

Well hope you enjoyed reading that as much as I did. More things like this to come in future Blogs.


Being ill!

Yeah, I've been ill again. I dunno what's going on right now but I seem to get over one bug and then I pick up another. Except this one's been really sucky. I've not felt that ill for ages. :?

I'm starting to get better but I swear, this weekend was majorly Urgh. I've had the whole Caboodle. Yep,I said Caboodle. :P

In no particular order, I've had: A full blown Cold, Constant Headache, Sore Throat, Sinus Discomfort, Ulcers on my Tongue and a Chesty Cough. All at once. Sounds fun right? :(

Anyway, because of said illness, I'm behind on everyone's Blogs and the Threads as well. I'm gonna try and catch up in the next few days but in the meantime, I hope you are all faring better than I.

To My Lovely Em and Charlie - I'm sorry that I've missed our weekend MSN Chat about Ditches and Robin Hood (omg he asked Marian to marry him! Squee!) etc... but will try and catch-up soon I promise. :)

Right. After that rather "ill-related" stuff, lets end this Blog with something nice shall we? Oooooh look, here's some "Dear lord he's hot" pics of Milo Ventimiglia:

Hmmmmmmm Yummyness! :twisted: ;)

Birthday Thanks and Piccies!

Hey everyone, I know that I've already thanked you all in the Birthday Thread but I just wanted to say Thankyou again for all the Pics/PMs/Well-Wishes that I got for my Birthday yesterday. You lot rock! :)

Now as promised, a couple of Birthday-related Photos:

This is the Cake that my mum made for my Birthday and the two figures you can see on it are Robin Hood and Will Scarlett from the BBC Series.

A close-up of Robin Hood and Will Scarlett on my cake (jealous much Charlie?).

My Birthday Presents (includes Chocolate, money, a mug, a cosy Hot Water Bottle & yet more chocolate!)

Love, hugs and smiles for you all. :D

The Virus and The Internet

Hey all. Oh how I've missed you all so very much this week!

*squishyhugs for everyone* :D

Yes, you may well (or you may not!) have noticed my absence over the last week. Well as the title of this Blog suggests, it was due to 2 things. Firstly, this virus thingy is going around at the moment and I've had it. It started with a really bad sore throat, plus head and neck ache and has now developed into a lovely cough. I felt so ill on Monday that I just couldn't face coming online at all. :?

The second reason however, is the one that has actually kept me away from you all for most of the week. The Internet went. On Tuesday, the company that we get the internet from, decided to have "Nationwide Technical Difficulties". So that meant that I've been unable to access the internet until today. :x :evil:

Anyway, as you can imagine, I've been going stir crazy without my Tv.Com time and am sooooo very glad I'm back. I hope you are all ok and I promise to try and catch up with everyone's Blogs and all of the Threads over the weekend. :)

*sighs happily*

I've really missed you guys.

Big love and hugs. :)

The Takeover Continues And Some Clearing Up!

Hey everyone.

Yes, as you may have noticed, the Robin Hood takeover does indeed continue *points to Profile Banner* Isn't it lovely? :)

Incidently, before I forget,many thanks and full credit for said banner must go to Kenny over at (link provided to site at bottom of blog for anyone interested).:D

Thanks so much for all your comments on my Icon but I think that I need to clarify something regarding the name of the show: It isn't called "The Hood", that was just me messing around, it's title is actually just the name of it's lead character - ROBIN HOOD. Sorry for any confusion.:oops:

BM -I totally agree, I love seeing people's new Icons and you really should try and check out both Heroes and Robin Hood, as they both rock!:D

Jordina - Hahahahahaha..yep it does explain alot and hey two Scorpios together!:lol: I've still got my Milo Obsession don't worry and yep, Robin Hood is fab.

Blu - Thanks hunni, glad you like it and yep he's a cutie alright! Oh and I do believe that Season 1 of Robin Hood has already been shown there in America but I don't know what channel it was on.:)

Jenn - It is cute isn't it? It doesn't matter that you've not heard of the show - I'm just trying to help spread the word far and wide about how fab it is.:P

Toni - Yay, am so happy you watch it and love it too! Yes he is definitely on my squeeworthy list.:twisted:

Lia - You've only seen the first eppy? Quick, you need to watch more and then we can both be obsessed about it together! You did well on the names for the first two and I can always help you with the others.;)

So, in conclusion then: New Banner; Show is called ROBIN HOOD and not THE HOOD; my icon is fabulous.:P

P.S Here's the link to the site that I got my Profile Banner from, if anyone wants it:


New Robin and Marian Icon!

Hello all! :D

Yep I've changed my Icon to a gorgeous one of Robin Hood and Marian, from the 1st episode of Season 2. Now that it's back on the BBC, it's my latest obsession. Gone is the total Milo/Heroes takeover, now it's all about The Hood! :P


Lordy is Jonas Armstrong (Robin) fit! :twisted:

And before you say anything, yes I am that fickle; jumping from one Obsession to the other - I'm a Scorpio, what do you expect? :lol:

P.S I do still love Heroes/Milo really! :)

Huggles and smiles for you all.:D

Trying again...

Well first of all let me appologise to you all for the mix up with my Sig picture in yesterdays' Heroes Blog. When I posted it last night the picture was definitely there so I don't know what happened.:?

Secondly, I'm glad that so many of you like my Icon and are also big fans of Heroes/Milo Ventimiglia.:D

Now for individual replies...

Jordina - I'm most definitely a Huge Heroes and Milo fan, and in fact have visited your Blogs on a number of occasions. Your Milo Banner is lovely!:)

Toni - My little Quack-Quack, I'm delighted that you love my Icon and yes indeedy he is one hot fella.:twisted: Oh and don't worry, look below to hopefully (am crossing my fingers!) see my sig banner.

Kaitlyn - See we never had Gilmore Girls here in the UK, so Heroes is the first time I've really known who Milo was but better late than never right?;)

Stacey - Fergie's Video? Are you kidding me, I have it on tape and love it!:twisted: Oh and I'm so insanely jealous of you lot in the US, we have to wait until next year to see Season 2.:cry:

Bm - Don't worry love, the Hugs are much appreciated anyway.:)

Dakotagirl - You really should add Heroes to your list, trust me you'll be addicted by the end! Milo was in SVU? I remember him in a CSI:Miami eppy but not in SVU. Will have to look for it.:D

Em - Hahahahaha...yep I am as obsessed as ever but I knew you'd start watching it eventually. Tell me straight Em, I wore you down until you had to see it didn't I?:lol:

Val - Don't worry hunni, "oh so yummy Peter" has just popped over for a visit and has every intention of returning to your Island. Probably.:P Oh yeah and will PM you about the LJ thing.

Right, now that that's done, here's my second attempt at posting my Sig Banner. If it doesn't work this time, then you can still see it in my Sig, whenever I post in the Threads. Now fingers crossed everyone and here goes....

MiloHirosBanner.png picture by Charmed4_2007

Just in case you can't read the writing on the Banner, it says the following:

"Psst, That's Right Milo, We're The Fan Faves. You For Your Sexy, Me For My Funny. That's Just How We Roll."

Did it work? :?

Change's afoot....

Hello all you lovely lovely people!:D

Well, after TV.Com randomly decided to delete everything im my Sig the other day, I decided it was time to change it and my Icon too.

So, as well as the usual "Proud Member of" things etc... I've added the following Banner to my Sig:

Just in case you can't read the writing on the Banner, it says the following:

"Psst, That's Right Milo, We're The Fan Faves. You For Your Sexy, Me For My Funny. That's Just How We Roll."

I just love it, as it makes me smile every time! :)

I've also changed my Icon to a gorgeous "Peter Petrelli" one (see above).

Yes, this is all to tie in with my now complete obsession with Heroes (and Milo Ventimiligia who plays Peter Petrelli). I was one of the people who watched it first on the UK Sci-Fi Channel but I swear, now that I'm watching it on the BBC, I'm even more addicted to it than I was before!!:lol:

Oh well...hope you likes and special thanks must go to Amanda ("much2muse") over at LJ, to whom the Banner and Icon belong.

Love and smiles for you all.:)

Thanks and Hugs!

Thankyou everyone for your congrats on my anniversary. I'm very pleased to see that my choice of hot men pics went down extremely well with you all (Milo in particular it would seem!), so there may be more of those in the near future! ;):D

Now for individual replies....

Toni - Thanks for the Cake and Cookies, they were delicious!:P Glad you liked the Supernatural Boys, they are indeed yummy.:D

Val - Glad u like the Heroes Banner and yep,I have to admit that Milo is my fave at the moment too!:)

Jenn - sorry I killed u from hottie overload but hey, it's not a bad way to die!:lol:

Em - hehehehe... you and your cracker obsession! Now a new tea flavour - that is daring isn't it?:P

Charlie - Thanks Evil One, I did do well didn't I getting them all into one blog!:lol: Glad u love the choices too. :)

Stacey - You're very welcome! *hugs* :)

Jordina - I know u love Milo too, as I'm always staring at your banner when I go to read your blogs!:P

Burcu & Kaitlyn - Cheers hunnies! *huggles* :D

Lia - lovely Lia, it has most certainly gone up several degrees in here hasn't it? Whew, those men are HOT!:lol:

Dakota - Awww thanks Sweetie. *hugs back* :)

Smiles for all of you. :)