I understand that some people havn't read the FAQ, or feel the FAQ doesn't provide all the answers, so I made this article to inform everyone what I know about the levels, and to try to explain it the best I can. While I'm not particularly important, I just want to do this to help out as I've seen some questions recently, so perhaps by writing this up I can help some people understand this better. However, what I say isn't written in stone, and I may be somewhat incorrect and what I say is subject to change, but I'm just trying to clear up some confusion for the time being. First of all, everyone starts out at level one. This level is Weatherman, but the title of levels don't mean as much as the level itself, though with each level comes a new title name and a new emblem. A level's emblem doesn't change anything, but it's merely a trophy of sorts that allows you to be proud of your level by seeing that you have recieved a new emblemt hat replaced your old emblem for your new level. Ok, now as you go up in level you'll get the said new title and new emblem, which replaces your old title and emblem, but certain levels also permit special features. Currently, when one reaches level 2 they can contribute information to the guides, and when one reaches level 3 they can use HTML and BBCode in their forum posts. At level 5, if the user is an editor then they can gain access to the moderation of their perspective guides, and they can then review contributions and determine if someone's contribution should be accepted or rejected, though they shouldn't abuse that power. Levels also generally effect the position of a users contribution in the submission queue for guides on the site, meaning a level 20 user will likely have their submissions seen earlier than a level 10 user, so there are lasting benefits for being a higher leveled user. Ok, when one logs onto the forum, makes posts, comments in blogs, submits reviews or contributes information to the guide they go up in percentage, though using other forum features, such as adding favorite shows, also add to the percentage as well. One starts at Level One at 1%. When they go up to 101% the user will go up in level, and become a Level 2 at 1%. The process then repeats, and as they participate in the site's functions, they will gain percentage until they return to 101%, which then would change them into a Level 3 at 1%. However, the higher in level one goes, the more it takes to raise the percentage, which means it takes alot of dedication to the site to become a very high level. Some may believe this system takes too long, however, by merely enjoying the site one can become level two in time so that they can contribute information. Of course, some people may not like to participate in the site's services so they may feel that this system alienates them. However, by merely logging onto the forum each day one can eventually become Level 2, so if one truthfully dislikes doing anything other than contributing, I suppose they could just visit the site once a day to ensure they eventually get Level 2. Of course, it's better to participate in the site's services so that they can recieve the permissions to use further features and contribute to their hearts content. That's all there is to it, it's a cycle that keeps on going to ensure that the users who deserve to go up in rank do go up in rank, and at the moment it seems that the percentages are updated every night at 12:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, so that means that if you participate in alot of the site's services then you may jump several levels without seeing the percentage rise at the said time. On the other hand, if you do very little you will notice your percentage increase without necessarily going up in level. However, the time may be subject to change in the future, but regardless, I just hope this document manages to help some people understand the system that we all adhere too, and the system that will determine the future of the site. Should you have any questions about this, feel free to reply and I'll do my best to answer it, or you can go to the Unofficial FAQ and ask your questions there, or just look at the FAQ itself to see if your question is answered. Thank You. Good Evening.
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