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Chinbobbabobot Blog

Scientology blows, doesn't it?

Google Bomb time!


If that works right, then it should send viewers to see what's at that link. Even if nobody looks at it, at least Google will pick up on it and this link will be one of the first, if not the first, on the search list.

By the Way.

Here's what I think of Sony's ads. You know, the ones with the chicks beating the crap out of each other. The white chick squeezing the cheeks of the black chick is the controversial one, not the one with the black chick kicking the white one.
This is all I have to say.
It's a stupid ad campaign. It's not even because of the potentially racist overtones. Have you even looked at those girls? THey're ugly as hell!
I mean, Jesus Christ, the white chick looks like a reject from an 80's band, the black one looks like a dude.
So, no.

In memorium.

Just a send-up to the Brits- it's been a year since some freaks blew the crap out of London. That sucks.
Rest assured, whoever the hell did it, hopefully will get their comeuppance.
I mean, I know the Brits hate us. But hey, at least I can say "My condolensces".

July 4th, 2006

So that makes us about, what, 230 years old?Damn, that's old. You know, Jefferson never thought we'd live this long. As soon as people started getting into pissing matches over slavery he said it marked the 'death knell of the Union'.
'Course, now we're the most powerful country in the world. God only knows how long that's going to last.
But yeah, I like this country. I know there's plenty of people who think I'm evil for liking my own homeland, but whatever.
In the meantime, me play some games. Happy Fourth.

NOW they tell me.

So I got honor roll in the 4th quarter of my senior year? Interesting.... I just wish I'd gotten those fancy ribbons to wear on my grad gown during the graduation ceremony. You know, feel special for once.
Real ironic, really, I expected my Electronics II grade to send me to summer school. I could never build things fast enough in that class.

I never liked clowns anyway.

So a few weeks back, a couple guys dressed up as clowns break into a nuke silo compound in the West or something. They cut through the fencing, they pound on the silo doors with jackhammers and stuff. Then security came and beat their asses, which is appropriate, seeing as how they bust onto military property. They claim that they're trying to disarm the missiles inside, but the way I see it, these guys are idiots.

They publicly claim that they decided they would try to disarm these Minuteman nukes by messing with the warheads, and one of their proposed methods is-get this!- pour their own stupid blood on missile components!

Wow. How stupid can you get?

First off, pouring your blood on missile components is not dramatic, it's stupid. It's not a heroic action, it's emo, for Chrissakes! Maybe you think you're heroic for risking your life to stop 'murder weapons' or whatever, but it's really just plain dumb. The interior of a missile may be soft, but it takes plenty of effort to break the skin.

IF you get into the goddamn missile siol in the first place, which brings me to my second point, you goddamn idiots! Do you have any idea how hard it is to actually get in a silo?!? It's buried hundreds of feet underground, in contrete and meta, crying out loud! Jackhammers?!? That's like trying to kill a tank with a spitball. Hell, I even read a whole exposition on the resiliency of these silos from a guy who worked in one. What kind of morons think they can break into a missile silo with a Jackhammer from the top?!?
Civilians, that's who.
This is my position on nukes: I hope we don't have to use them ever again. And I doubt we ever will use them, despite the biased and irrational opinions of people who absolutely hate the President to the point where they believe that he thinks he can or will commit every possible sin while he's in office.
And the way I see it, those nukes are much, much safer in the silos than in a friggin decommissioning plant. Why? Because, despite the fact that nuke security is so idiotically slow that they took 45 minutes to get to the morons, it's too  hard to break in anyway. It's like trying to run up a wall- impossible unless you've got some really, really hardcore breaching material. But unlike a wall, even a ton of C4 is a dubious proposition.
A decommissioning plant is way, way easier to break into.
Ironically enough, I just read a book including a hitman posing as a clown.

Disclaimer: While I may sound pissed in my writing, I'm really just irritated. I am notorious for exaggerating my emotions, at least according to sibling kind.

I hate this.

Why the hell does gaming have to be so expensive? I mean.... I look at the titles on my tracking list and I think, how the hell would I afford all of this?
I mean seriously, I don't see how the hell I'd be able to buy an Xbox 360 and buy all these games. The only thing saving me from a financial drought would be renting games, but I hate that- I mean, what if this game is awesome, and I want to buy it?
Of course, some of the games on my list will probably be horrible, so I guess I can count on that.
Still. If games cost as much as movies, that'd be awesome.
We'll never see that day come, will we? Even as movies are about as expensive, if not more so, than games?

My thoughts on this Sony Blu-Ray player.

All right, so some people see this Blu-Ray player by Sony as a ploy. Basically, the release date got delayed and it's coming out around the same time as the PS3. The thinking here is that people will see the price of the Blu-Ray player and compare the $1000 price tag to the PS3's 'cheap' price tag, thus convincing possible investors to buy a PS3 instead.
I think this is **** plain and simple.
The simplest answer is usually the right one, and in this case the simplest answer is that Sony just wants to have another Blu-Ray player on the market.
Why, in all of Hell's scorching pools of flame, would Sony decide to release a Blu-Ray player to act as a sacrifice for the PS3? They'd be losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in building the damn things just so the PS3 can look better. They already claim they're 'willing to sell the PS3 at a loss', and while $600 isn't exactly a loss in my mind, the PS3 probably cost more than that thanks to Blu-Ray and Cell. So for them to lose more money on a DVD player that they want to fail for the sake of the PS3? That's insane.
Somehow I don't think Sony's crazy enough to do it, but then, this is Sony.
And I doubt they'd simply build a dozen of them so they can show them off at stores and then take them down after a month. The only way for a billion dollar kamikaze to work is if you keep making more so that you have something to compare the PS3's price to.

Graduating feels weird.

I feel like I've changed at a fundamental level, but I don't know if that's good or bad. Of course, I still have college to go to. 'Course, it'll go by fast, like high school did.
I wonder what next year's going to be like.

Perusing Open Office

Some sort of MS Office type application from Sun Microsystems. It looks like a real good deal. It's got a word processor, MS Excel type program, powerpoint type program, all that great stuff. So I think I'll just pass on the good word that this system pwns, and that you should try it. 'Cuz I'm sketchy about paying them, so I'll take the other door, so to speak.