That is exactly what we don't need. Its the romance in most movies that ruin them, there's always a god damn love interest getting in the way of all the action, comedy or w/e. The amount of story in games we're gettin now (especially the shooters) is starting to do my head in, having recently played through gearsfor second time inmonths i couldnt help but get annoyed at all the damn slow walk story telling crap that i can't even skip to get to the killin. There are so many corridors and rooms in gears that were screaming out to have fire fights in em, but noooo instead have some random voice acting.
I don't know, maybe i just can't get immersed in a game quite like a movie, where there are no graphical glitches, poor texturing, dodgy shading, pathetic lip sync, unreal animations, clipping etc which i can't help but notice.
All IMO of course :)
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