@SilentAssassin no FREE online this time, Sony confirmed that online on PS4 will have to be paid. It's the same fee as the actual PS plus. I don't see a problem with that, maybe it will help to have a more stable and better online service.
So in the end will be a pay 2 win?? Why couldn't they do something like Tekken Revolution who is TRULY a F2P. I'll give it a try anyway, but I hope that the FREE experience isn't shallow so the game will force you to buy equipment to enjoy it at its best
@Grenadeh @Kiaininja @LiquidGold @Axile11 I'm already downloading it, Tekken Revolution is called and it's on the PSN store, it was launched this month 11th
I remember the original, but I found it boring despite it having a cult like following. Of all the oldschool fps games I always find myself going back to Doom and Doom 2 for some reason
@Guy_Brohski we're you're so fat of eating big macs that you will surely need all that twitch and tv on xbox stuff so you don't get your fat ass off the couch... childish reply to childish comment
I just can't believe how childish the comments are here, "yeah xbone rulz, go 'murica". Hardwarewise ps4 is more powerful, in exclusives games last gen ps got the best part and they got a bunch of new ones but xbone still can get more and be on par or surpass ps4. We're talking about HARD NUMBERS and FACTS, please stop trolling and behaving like 12 years old McDonalds dwellers. It's good that M$ reversed their decision on their policies but they've already showed us what their true intentions were, I wouldn't go blindly on them
@instigator81 @outlawoftorn @samdam3 maybe m$ payed amazon to fabricate that other list, so ppl can jump in the dumbwagon "yeah they changed their policies, it's day one buy now"
Chronologo's comments