So far I've enjoyed it, I don't know why but it doesn't feel as dark as the first 2 games but still fun to play and enjoy, the crafting system is a bit of double edge, I like that it has many options but sometimes you don't know where to start :P
@Kryptonbornson @DexterKone23 You mean the tell tale one? It was dissapointing, the choices only did little changes and no matter what you chose you got the same ending
@kavadias1981 Well the first Dino Crisis is more horror like, it had very dark enviroments and you wouldn't know when a dino may appear the 2nd is a lot easier than the first one
@WR_Platinum Kind of agree about the scared part, but I remember playing the first RE when I was about 13 and I kind of scared, there was something in the atmosphere of the first RE (the music, the eerie shadows) that they could never replicate again. RE2 wasn't that scary, and of the first 3 games I find it the weakest, there wasn't much of thrills out there in the first play, I liked the B scenario where you encounter the Tyrant that was a good one. RE 3 had the thrill of Nemesis chasing you wherever it wanted, even if you entered a safe room you could hear him lurking outside and grunting. RE 4 was good but it was more action oriented, never gave me one of those jump scares. RE 5 was just an action game that happened to have the RE name on it. For me the bests RE so far are RE1, RE 1 remake, RE 3 and Code Veronica. Haven't played RE 6 yet. And about the RE 4 formula, Dead Space replicated it effectively even better I think
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