@Dannystaples14 Maybe you're right, still I consider they should aim at 60 fps. I don't care about the resolution debate, but I believe FPS are more important to provide an smooth expierence. If they can't achieve that in a couple of years this gen will be another "meh" in terms of evolution.
@sethgun Yeah you'll be expending 60 more bucks on those "expansion packs" to make the game finally worthy with content that was surely held off to be sold later
@kingfish1984 What I believe is as videogames "evolve" it should be common sense to be more well rounded. You would expect a good story from a AAA game like this, and also a decent quality of fun. A game with this budget should excel in both fun and storytelling
@Orgodemir Ulti Man was one though SOB. I remember the hours and hours I spent in that game, pretty fun not even the PS2 ones that I got later got me so hooked in as that one.
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