@the_pirate_: Other than the graphics being more realistic in this game (and obviously that was a specific decision for Sea of Thieves) I see nothing in this game that looks better than Sea of Thieves. It has more character, it has more to do (based on what we've seen so far at least), and it's a ton of fun to play. Sorry you don't like fun games, but that doesn't mean the rest of us don't.
@jagdedge124: I dunno, I'm about to turn 35 and I see five games I'll definitely get, and another two that I might get after seeing more footage/gameplay.
@sjawz3288: I doubt most things will be developed for PS4 Pro and then ported to the One X. Generally things are developed on PC and then ported down, but even if they're just doing it on consoles I'd imagine more will start using the One X as the baseline since, like you said, it's much easier to downscale than it is to upscale.
@dev-raid1: If nobody wanted an Xbox Microsoft wouldn't be coming out with a new Xbox. Just because you don't want one doesn't mean that millions of other people don't want one.
Also, your troll is showing when you spell it "Microshit" instead of "Microsoft". You could at least try.
@7tizz& @Marky360: Shhhh, they don't know how to go up against logic like this.
Seriously though, the Xbox has fucking great games, and while I acknowledge the fact that it's personal preference, there's still not a single released exclusive on PS4 that I give a shit about. Tell me again why I should care about the PS4?
@Alecmrhand: Net Neutrality is a good thing for everyone except the ISPs. It's a set of rules that tells the ISPs that they aren't allowed to adjust the speed of data coming through their pipes based on where the data came from. It requires that Verizon streams Netflix at the full rate even though it's a direct competitor with Verizon's streaming service. It also requires that Version not charge Netflix extra for this right.
It's not about charging people that use less data the same as those that use more data; data caps are still a thing and I don't see those going away anytime soon (even though they should because data is stupid cheap for the ISPs). It's about making sure that everyone gets the full speed they're paying for (and yes, there can still be different rates for different speed tiers) no matter what service they're using.
The ISPs haven't stopped upgrading their lines because of Net Neutrality, they've stopped upgrading them because they realized they can continue to increase the price of peoples' internet without actually spending any extra money to give them a better service because they already have a monopoly in most areas, so why bother?
So please, tell me how Net Neutrality (the real Net Neutrality, not the crap you claim is Net Neutrality) is bad for anyone other than ISPs.
Chyld989's comments