Final Fantasy 7 should be required gaming for anybody serious about rpgs or who like all games. FFVII gets alot of hate from some people and its not even hate they just don't want to be seen as being part of this fanboy club. Most people who have played it will say it its a good game just not agree its worthy of being praised as much as it is, a sentiment I somewhat agree with but I still think its an amazing game. Yes it has flaws, this coming from a person who still has my copy from 1997 but the game as a whole gets 90% of what it does right(I know this is sysetm wars and someone will comment on this number so I'll go ahead and just point out I'm using it as a figure of speech Its not a breakdown of the actuall pros/cons number just a way to describe how the game performs in reaching its gameplay goals). I've played the game love still play it occasionally. It a close tie between 6 and 7 for favorite FF games both are great for some many reasons.
But to stay on topic of why FF7 is so great it come down to the core gameplay which are the battles they are fun and rarely gets tedious which is a plus for a game with random battles. The characters are well developed each have a small segment of sidequests and/or segments of the main story to flesh out their backstory. The setting is great the differences between midgar, junon, cosmo canyon, wutui etc... help create the atmosphere of a diverse world(the goldon saucer and chocobo breeding are definately part of the charm in creating that although some people didn't care for that part of the game even if its optional) along with a solid plot and dialog(minus some weak translating here and there and taking into account the japanese humour in some parts). THe materia system was simple but could lead to some serious character customizing. Final fantasy 7 was truly a landmark in gaming history especially when it comes to presentation and although the graphics are dated they still hold some beauty from an artistic standpoint especially some of the FMV hybrid 2d backgrounds.I understand some peoples desire to not talk about the game because they see some people's hype for it and don't agree but doesn't change the fact the game had a huge impact at the time of release and at the same time is still very playable today unless you really hate random battles or are a total graphics whore.
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