They'll probably shed a few details on it, like what Nintendo did with WiiU. But WITHOUT any finalized specs.
Frankly, I'm not ready for ANY console jsut yet. I'll likely stick with 360 and PS3 for the long run of this generation. There's just far too many games so little time. I'm gonna be more conservative this time with my purchasing power and wait and see which console is worth my wallet.
Edit: Edit: I read it right the first time. I disagree the only time games come out to close now in day is November, January and February.
Best specs available means that the possibilites are endless. :o
Yet it won't stop developers from making the same games over and over again.
That's true, I read that article on the 6 most ominous trends on the other day, and now it makes a little more sense why the same game is made over and over and over again.
I hated that article. Simply because its naive to think that games wouldnt have the same symptoms of say Hollywood.
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