[QUOTE="Kinthalis"][QUOTE="legalize82"] u still got debunked.. get over it cell was fine for gaming..simplelegalize82
You might want to look up non-sequitur, since you're obviously still cluless. What the heck does your list of (mostly fine) Ps3 games have to do with anythign I said?
It's no secret that just about every developer who has put out a PS3 game (and isn't being payed by Sony) HATED the damn cell and found creating engines for it extremely problematic, precisely BECAUSE it wasn't suited to the two main types fo workloads involved in modern game engines. Even after wrestlign with the stupid thing, games usually still perform better ont he Xbox, even though, on paper, the cell should eb pwning the xbox's CPU.
This has nothign to do wiht the quality fo game son the PS3. I'm discussing somehting else with Tormentos, somehting you clearly don't understand, so kindly bow out, unless you have soemthign intelligent to contribute.
developers cry always scared for something new... pc mindset it doesnt matter hoe u spin it all engines run excellent on it and u can play yada yada allu want i dont care... simple do u still hear dev complaining? did u know sony is using spu type shit on jaguar cpu?
>Implying that's a cohesive argument
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