@Bread_or_Decide: What do you mean "What is it with gamers and review scores?" People discuss every aspect of games, including scoring. You don't want to talk about it? fine. You don't care about scores? Also fine. Leave it to people who want to.
in a series like Batman you don't want or need to change things much. Arkham City was an extraordinarily solid game and no one in their right mind would change a winning formula drastically, unless it goes flat and repetitive (like CoD).
on top of that why taking the risk of overhauling a pretty well-established game? look at FIFA or CoD for example. yes, many argue that these series are more of updates to previous iterations, but the thing is can you possibly go rogue and "overhaul" FIFA's gameplay mechanics while people want more of the same thing every year? and that's the case for CoD as well. many of us love to feel claustrophobic in tight corners and corridors over and over again even if we don't admit it.
when it comes to Arkham Origins, i absolutely want a "bigger, better and more badass" game, but then again, i want more of the same things i loved in the past two Batman games.
@resident_jisen thank you thank you thank you, i could never quite make out how she could do all those acrobatics with that much boob in previous entries, if i ever wanted that kind of adventure game, i'd go on brazzers.
for the nth time.........a handheld game CANNOT BE COMPARED TO A CONSOLE GAME! just because of that Resistance tag on the game, it falls short in every aspect!
Clive-Owen's comments