I can see my bones behind my eye lids. I rarely eat, or drink, sometimes I can't detect a pulse, however, when I do eat, it's very unhealthy(Either really fatty foods, or low fat stuff like fruit), and it's in a binging sense. I rarely exercise, I sometiems do sit ups or push ups, and walk......Around my house and the store when shopping. The only things I do a lot is brush my teeth and shower. Otherwise, I'm pretty low on health mentally and physically. I think I'm starting to come up with a nutrients difficiency. Zinc or something probably, don't get much. My skin pigment is also darkening. But sometimes it's white, otherwise, it looks pretty bad. I dunno. Maybe I should go to a doctor. I stay up for about 14 hrs a day, and sleep for about 9 -11. My heboglobin isn't doing so great, missing a lot I think.....And I was a vegan/vegetarian(Started vegetarian, went vegan) for 5 months, I'm a fruitarian now, but very rarely will I eat chicken while eating out. Which would explain it, hemoglobin and non meat eaters have a bad history with one another.
correct me if i'm wrong.
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