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Cloud_Squall_ Blog

guess whos back

well, it's not me any ways:P

hey guys:D wassup? camp was ok i guess:P we didn't do to much. went to the beach heaps, me and some friends made a couch outta sand:D we done some orientering in the bloody hot sun>_> my team won it:D:D:D:D:D we had to make a tent thingy outside and sleep in it for a night, mine and a friends sucked>_> but we got through the night alright:D had to do a night walk thingy, everyone went at about 5 minute intervals and had to hold onto a piece of rope through the bush in the night. it was dark;).

well, i suppose it was pretty cool, i missed you guys:P i made some new friends/enemies:lol: but it's ok.

ffxii was out today, but mum says it'll have to be about friday when i get it:( oh well....

well, lost and prison break are on tonight and i need to have a shower and finish homework....later guys:D


Camp tomorrow....

eh, i'm going away on camp tomorrow>_> so that obviously means i won't have internet. i need to do one more blog to make up for tuesdays blog and i'll be back on wednesday to do one then:)

how badly do i own?

ok, today Axel-Roxas went to town. we went to a place called Nexus, where we go often in weekends. on saturday people can duel with theit yu-gi-oh cards. there is one guy there who is probably the best, and i decided to duel him. he beat me easily the first time, then i said i wanted to go another round. we started dueling, and i my first couple of turns i was winning. he had a crap run of cards and had no monsters out. he eventually got one out, but i managed to destroy it and win!!!!!! i was super happy:D

well, i'm tired, so later guys:)


A blog about blogs

DAMN!!! i'm running out of blog ideas:P oh well, i'll continue on blogging:P if i do a blog a day for the whole year i'll have HEAPS of blogs:D

i'm sorry if i haven't been posting in yours blogs lately, i've been trying to do so, but school has been making me tired.

i reckon blogs are cool. i like reading them:P

i think i have an idea for my next blog;) it will be good.

well, later guys:D, Cloud_Squall_

p.s. my banner will be here SOON!!!!!!:D:D:D

new stuff.....and stuff.....

well...i got a new icon:D it's of Zack from FFVII. it's pretty cool, but i might change it soon. my new banner should be ready soon:D:D:D:D it's gonna be cool. school,meh,boring. we  haven't been doing much super exciting stuff. the best part of the week has been lost, prison break, heros and home time:lol: nah, schools alright. i suppose.:P

FF12 is out on the 22nd:D i haven't played ff6 OR ff9 in ages....i wanna start playing them again to. i've been playing animal crossing wild world to pass the time:D

we're definetely getting broad band soon:D mums getting a new job so we can get it. YAY!!!!

level 21 is better speed up soon:x

for my next blog, i might do a rant....;)

later guys, Cloud_Squall_

camp on monday >_>

oh man, i got school camp on monday....sorta don't wanna go... oh and i've got a plan about my daily blog, i won't tell you it though;) i'm all mysterious like:|

later guys Cloud_Squall_ 8)

I am no longer just slime.....

I AM A RESCUE RANGER!!!! ooooh yea:D thats right, i OWNED level 20......:D

I'M SO HAPPY i can't believe i finally finished it:P

today me house from school (we're Tudor) went to a beach. it was ok.....sorta windy and sandy.....and LONG waits for the BBQ, but it beats a day off school:P

later guys, Cloud_Squall_

Quick blog...

eh, i have time for a quick blog. mum wants me off:P doing a fun thing tomorrow, i'll leave you hanging:lol:

later,  Cloud_Squall