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Cloud_Squall_ Blog

FF6!!!! + my day

w00t w00t w00t w00t!!!! i gots ff6!!!! it's so cool, i'm up to the first castle, forgot it's name:P i can't wait to play it some more!!!:D

well, today i went to Axel-Roxas's house:D we dueled, went to the shop and went on the net for a bit. it was super fun:D

later, Cloud_Squall_

Missed a blog....

DAMMIT!!!! i didn'y do a blog yesterday:evil: oh well, i'll have to do two today:P  i'll do a blog later of what i done yesterday

GS progress report

meh, i'm going to tell you how i've been going on GS, then your gonna leave a reply ok?:P

well, i'm at level 20 and 59.63% to be exact. i feel proud of myself for reaching level 20 in under a year. now lets see if i can beat it by the time i've been here a year:P

i have 7 emblems, which is not many, but i don't care for them.

i have 2550 profile views, which is not many compared to the amount you guys have, SO VIEW MY DAMN PROFILE :lol:

i have 120 friends, which i think is heaps:D

i have 151 blogs:D happy bout that, i wanna reach 200 though

i have 4374 posts. my posts have gone up heaps the last few months:D

and finally, i have 136728 messages read. thats quite a few:P, but it's easy to get them. you just read messages:P

well, thats my progress report, expect another one when i've been on GS for 1 year.


Todays super blog

*kicks head off*

well, thats a great start to a great blog:P i'm so bored it's not funny, but i might try and do something tomorrow. if only ff6 would come:cry: meh, oh well. i'm going into town on saturday with  Axel-Roxas and some friends, should be good.

i want some yu-gi-oh cards...i might buy my friends ones...i dunno. was rummuging around today and i found a blue eyes which was quite nice i guess.

wonder when i'll get the emblem for voting in the best and worst 2006? ik hope it's flash

well, i haven't much else to say, so later


FF6 is mine!!!

YAY!!!!! i bought it off a buy, and sell web site for $50. i can't wait to play it:D i actually had the game, then lost it, or someone stole it, but i have it again!!! it's for the PsX. I can't wait to get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Union stuff + more

ok, to all the people i sent union invited out to, i'm sorry if you don't accept them, i didn't have time to find out, sorry.

in other union news, join The Final Fantasy Creators! Axel-Roxas has made it! please join.

My day was boring. We went into town, got lunch, my brother got another goldfish, thats 2 now.he got one the other day. i think their names are Jazz and Finn. Meh.

well, thats about it, so i'll do another blog tomorrow


New banner + 51%

ok, i made a new banner, it's pretty cool, and those words up the top mean....haha, i'll let you figure it out:twisted:

ok, and i'm half way through level 20!!!! i can't wait to get out of it, it's getting really annoying:evil: oh well:D


Font downloading!

i know how to download fonts now!!! yay!! i've got the kingdom hearts one, halo one, the star wars one and another one thats not very cool(might get rid of it)!!!

I might make a new banner to, i don't really like the current one...

I think you should reads this

:D hey guys, another of my blogs! did you know, that i've been doing one every day for awhile now?! I wanna reach 200;)

well, heres some awesome news. I'm the Vice Leader of the Mirror Designs Union!!! Well, you guys should join it, it's awesome.

ok, more news, my union, The FF & KH Club has been a company for awhile now:D i just haven't thought bout blogging guys should join that one to.

well, i'm almost half way through level 20, i want to get out!!! it sucks only going up by 2 or 3, sometimes 4 percent a day...ARGH!!!

heres a sprite i made, well, i got another sprite then changed almost everything cept it's leg stance

 do ya like it, it's a SOLDIER off FF7:D

and my last bit of news, my website is still going good, there are more updates, so check it out!!

later Cloud_Squall_

New banner & Sig

ok, i made a new banner! it's a warhammer 40k one, and it's got The Chaos Defiler in it:D and i changed my sig around

Not changing this till I get a Ps3-12/01/07

it looks pretty cool, don't ya think?