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Cloud_Squall_ Blog

The Icon Wars

The Icon versus fkholmes......on msn.....

I NEED ICONS!!!! Please, give me all your icons that i can use on msn, please!!!!

Please people, join my side, the winning side

oh, and if you think the Icon Wars are pointless, your wrong.

So please people, join my team and give me all icons that you have!!!!

Send all icons to this adress-- oh, and i have cookies....and milk

cause if you join his side, you'll be siding with a guy whos real name is Cinderella, a guy who is an ex-convict, i have proof, but later......, so join my side!!!!!!!!!!

i hate all of you

nah, just joking, you guys rock!!!!! Wanted to get your attention:P;)

oh man, no ones on msn at the mo, GS sucks and i'm really bored. So i'll tell you about my day....

I got up at 8am, went down stairs and watched tv.Channel 2 to be exact. I had my usual cornflakes and toast, got dressed and went to school.

School sucked. We had to do some stupid diet for a sports star, i didn't get even half way.... Then we went out for fitness.At the moment, fitness is hard, my teacher is making us do 20 minutes of shuttle runs, with about 30-60 seconds in between each one. It may not seem hard, but it's bloody hard.We went inside and done maths,boring!!!I got it all right which was the good thing:)

We went out for morning tea, when i set out the BBQ, like i've done every Tuesday and Thursday for this whole year. I get it out cause we cook sausages on tuesday and hamburgers on thursday. I done it and went back to my friends and sat around. Went back inside and had to go down to the field at the bottom of the school to see who was going to make it into the school relay team. I suck at fitness(i'm real lazy) but surprisingly, i got in!!! I actually came 5th which was reserve, but my friend had to pull out so i had to go!!!We train every lunch time for 2-3 weeks!!! Went back to class and done some more work.But luckly i had to go cook the hamburgers, which was pretty crap, better than work, but still pretty bad. I had my hamburger for lunch, packed away the BBQ, then went to find my friends.They were down at the field, so i went down there to meet them. A guy in my class was having some girl problems so i gave him some usless advice, i'm no good with girls:P When the bell rang again, went back inside and had my computer turn.Wrote out an article for a Fitness Magazine i have to make.Done that for half an hour then the class went out side for a game of longball.My team lost, then me and my friend set out the wardens cones.We have to do road patrol(getting kids across the road safely...)Then went to assembly. It sucked, some crappy songs were sung, i got an award for designing a websiter with my friend and entering it in a competition.We went out for road patrol early, it was that boring and waited for the bell to ring. Wardens sucked, as usuall, walked up to mum and drove home. Went on msn and the net for 3 hours and talked to a girl from school and Bad_Mofo_Gamer on msn and went on my website and GS. Made a thing on paint, might upload it later....maybe. Mum made me get off and got me to go downstairs, where i was bored so i played KH2. I need to level up to beat Sephiroth......

Mum got us pizza for tea, i had Supreme, it was real good!Then i went back up on the net and msn, for summin to do, talked to my cousins for ages then decided to make this blog.9:55 pm. Mum is wanting to get me off, so i better go;)

Hi Everybody!!

well....hi!!! I'm sorry for not posting much, I've been playing KH2!!! It rocks!!!!! I've been playing for about 25 hours, had it for under a week and am up to Sark and The MCP. My favourite boss is probably Hydra and my favourite level is Hollow Bastion. Hollow Bastion is a huge improvment from the one in KH1.No more stupid obstacles and whatnot. Favourite keyblade.......Decisive Pumpkin cause it makes a sorta christmasy sound when you attack:P. The most annoying boss would be Demyx in Hollow Bastion. Those damn ghosts of his p155 me off!!! Valor form is my fav drive form at the moment, and Anti Form is cool to:D It isn't so bad cause you're super fast!!! I'm also thinking of making a KH2 boss guide???

My unions are doing good, The FF and KH Club is great, and the Prison Break Club is a bit unactive(i haven't been posting much either:oops: )They still need more members, so if your interested, join them:)

School is good,actually pretty fun!!! We're gonna be making board games soon, so me and my friend are gonna make a Prison Break one!!! We're gonna be making heaps more to!

My trip to aussie was awesome! i bought heaps of stuff, well not really:oops:, i spent most of it on games!!!oh well....

I started playing FF9 today, it's awesome! I'm up to the Ice Cavern, my fav character is Vivi, and my least favourite is Stiener.Blank's cool to.

I'm gonna be getting MSN soon(hopefully on Tuesday) so i'll be able to talk to heaps of you, like Sith_Fisto and ilovgames12, who i talked to in aussie.

I'm almost level 15!!! Yay!!!We'll have a party at my house(or maybe just on GS:) )

Well thanks for reading my longest post EVER, i hope you enjoyed it?????

I hate him now + more

I really hate that "gangsta" kid now.I won't go into detail and if i said what i thought of him this would be an R18 blog and i'd get modded heavily.

Oh well, i won't be posting much,i'm going to be playing KH2 when i get home and for the next 2 days i'm gonna have no internet so thats a bugger but oh well. I hope the Butter Kingdom wins while i'm away

See yA

I'm really p155ed off

dammit, i'm gettin annoyed. I can't wait to go to high school where i can say whatever i like to people i dislike without getting in trouble. At school i'm a good boy and don't wanna stuff my reputation, but some people really annoy me!!!

This person who thiks he's a gangster, always rapping(he sucks at it), wearing hoodies and fingerless gloves, disobeying the rules really gets on my nerves.He goes and copys one of my ideas and thinks he's the best at it. Damn i wanna punch him!!!!!

And there are some others who p*** me off to but i've done enough complaining today....

sorry about all this negative stuff, i had to get it off my chest.I'll be happier next post:) i hope....

and i'm probably gonna get modded for ths but i don't care, i had to say this!!!!!

Who can help????

i need someone to make an animated sprite for me. I have the sprite sheet so if you can help, please do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry and stuff i got

Well first off, sorry i haven't been on,the internet has been down :(

i bought pokemon dungeon blue but didn't like it.......i took it back today and got New Super Mario bros. instead:) I also got FF9 to!!!!! I've been looking for it for ages,it cost 100 bucks though......i have no more money either.......:(