Cloud_Strife37x Blog
Heh, Emo Quiz
by Cloud_Strife37x on Comments
RPGs Reign
by Cloud_Strife37x on Comments
Yes, I am an officer of a new group. If you have any interest at all in RPG's, or are crazed like me, join the union. It's awesome. I'll give you coookieeeeessss....but seriously, join lol
At least give it a look. It's a little bare, but it's just started.
PS3 "skate" demo
by Cloud_Strife37x on Comments
I'm back to Gamespot!
by Cloud_Strife37x on Comments
My PS3 controller suddenly stopped working! What da?
by Cloud_Strife37x on Comments
Resident Evil 5 is racist? Maybe you're f***ing game-ist? Let us play!
by Cloud_Strife37x on Comments
We play Grand Theft Auto, you shout out in protest...
We want Bully, you try to stop it from being released..
Lots of us look forward to Manhunt 2, UK tries to ban it and the US rates it AO, dooming it..
Why can't we decide what level of violence, what level of sexuality, what level of political in-correctness we feel like we can handle? What we want to play, and what we think is ok, and what's not. Who are these people, Jack Thompson, the woman who had such rash and crude statements about RE5, who are these people to tell us what is and what isn't racist, what is and what isn't right and wrong, or playable, or bannable. I say don't ban any games. Keep the whole no kids under 17 deal, that's a good thing. That keeps kids from playing games with too much sexuality or violence, unless their PARENT thinks they can absorb that content. Parents should start doing their jobs and stop relying on the government to do it for them. And people should start speaking for themselves and not us. Not gamers. They don't play these games, they don't know. If Resident Evil is racist, than my name is Bob Dole Linconton and I carry around a mini-pink elephant inside of my left pocket, and he has a rocket launcher, which he kills ants with. (I went a bit too far with that v-v). The game is set in AFRICA. I assume White, Asian, and Spanish people should just be walking around this locale. No one complained before when you killed the White and Spanish zombies. And I guess that makes the people who are ranting about the game's apparent Anti-black statement are racist against the first two ethnic groups. WHY DO ALL YOU PEOPLE CARE!? These games are FICTIONAL. This game involves ZOMBIES! Leave us alone. Let us play games. Let the gamers, and the parents decide. And don't stress over these (for some reason) huge issues of whatever color zombie you happen to be shooting... Let us (and the zombies) live in piece.
*On a side note, I have lots of black friends who cannot WAIT for this game. If the people this game is SUPPOSEDLY offending, arn't offended, why are people trying to make this a big deal? O_o
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