Cloud_Strife37x's forum posts
Honestly, since Final Fantasy isn't the same one I used to love nowadays, I'm going for MGS4. All the new mechanics, the storyline, the GAMMMEEEEPLLAAYYYY. -mouth waters all over the forums-
^^ Funny, Cloud turns out to be a pimp xD ^^
I think he loved Tifa as well. Tifa was his dream throughout his childhood. She was the reason for him joining soldier. She was the one who had to piece his mind together in the lifestream. Plus he was with Aeris for hardly any time, and now she happens to be dead V_V (and that would be a LOOONNNNGGGGG distance relationship). Cloud has just always seemed to fit with Tifa to me, even when first playing through the game when there was no thought of AC.
Actually, I care, to an extent. I come to this board to talk about Final Fantasy, not...whatever this is.TaCoDuDe
Party pooper, buzz killer...I can't think of much else today, I don't feel that creative :(
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