I read this review, and was about to pay $200 for the collector's edition just now, I don't know, the review contradicts with most of the replies here.
@jesot I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it. Please note that I watched very few episodes of South Park, I probably won't have a better experience than a fan, but I would still enjoy it. Yet Personally I think he shouldn't review JRPG's at all. He's been reviewing many different genres which doesn't make any sense. No matter how experienced you are, there's only one field that you would do good in, you can't go on making reviews about an FPS and then come and review a JRPG, I say that as a someone who plays all genres and have been playing for decades now. I just can't find one person in GS who knows how to review them, they should bring some Japanese guy.
@TCJJ Well said, I have been saying this for years now. Westerns and especially Americans, have very little understanding of JRPGs. They can argue about playing hundreds but it doesn't matter how much you play, to me and to most Japanese people, you will always be a scrub who have little knowledge about the culture and Japan itself.
I remember when Dragon's Crown was about to come out and some American reviewer coming with his feminism bullshit went to the twitter account of the artist and flamed him there, calling him a 14 years old boy. I seriously hoped from all my heart that they censor the NA versions because people like these don't deserve to get the original product. Keep the original to people who won't go about bringing their cultural bullshit trends to their criticism, because let's be honest, we must care how every culture goes in every country in order for us to make an acceptable game, no thank you.
It doesn't matter if you agree with what I just said, but I'm pretty sure we can all agree that GS have little knowledge regarding JRPGs, they know nothing about them and they can't give one decent review related to them. While I wrote that, their Lost Odyssey review came to mind as well, which was a total joke. quote - "Lost Odyssey doesn't rewrite the rules for turn-based role-playing games-" oh because games have to rewrite their genre in every release. Aha I see that's what COD is doing.
I can't say much about the rage here because I just pre-ordered the game 2 days ago and have yet to try it myself, but can't stop feeling that all this rage, in the end would be a fanboyism rage. Understandable, though I think 7.0 is good. Lost Odyssey received 7.5 and it was mythical, legendary and probably the best JRPG I played in recent years. I'm the one who should be raging at this receiving a very close score to it.
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