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Code_Geass_CC Blog

Code Geass episode 9

I just finished Code Geass episode 9. I won't spiol anything. It was kind of boring IMO and Nina, can't she die already.

Code Geass episode 9

Oh and Bruno, Code Geass is not about gothic vampires. Ive been trying to avoid being called gothic for liking Code Geass. Is it a problem to have lots of Geass stuff. Its my favorite thing right now. Im sure when I here about a game I like, or a new anime I'll put a lot of that stuff up. I just like putting stuff from the same show/ game in my profile.

Day 4 is done

Im signing off. See you tommorrow. Good news is Summer break mights start a day early. I should finish my online classes tommorrow.

How I got locked in the bathroon, how I was saved, and Day 4

I was gonna wait till the end of my GS day to post stuff about Day 4, but I have some questions to awnswer so I will say, my one trial week is going much better than I thought. Today I plan to get to 200 posts, but since I'll be on longer today, I'll probly have more posts.

I know people are expecting a funny and huge answer to how I got stuck in the bathroom, but the main cause is due to an old house. The lock got jammed, so jammed that it was impossible to move it. I was stuck in it for quite a while :P and the heat, my god the freakin heat. I probly lost 10 pounds due to the heat. How I got out is a little more funny, or how I would call, a last resort. My grandma took a saw, and sawed off parts of the door, to make it thinner and weaker. Then it was up to me, I head butted a hole in the door and climbed through the hole.

Not as big of an answer as you might expect, but if you were there, you would LYMFAO. My sister told all her friends. Then I got payback, but I can't say what I did. Lets just say she's grounded, despite being 18.

My Day 3 is ending...a little early :(

My 3rd day on my new account will be over soon. It's been storming like crazy, and there is a tornado watch. My mom, being of the worry type, is coming home early, and she will kick me off her computer, despite me still having some online classes to finish up.

This brings me to answer another question. I have been on during the day, despite me saying I still have one week of school. Just to let you know my normal school is over, but I still have online classes to finish. Thats to answer any of those who were wondering.

Soon it will be summer. I'll be online in Brawl all days during the summer, around 7:00-9:00 pm eastern time.

Did I mention I was locked in my bathroom yesterday for 3 hours? I was stuck in the 2nd bathroom in my house. It's the size of 2 port o potties, and gets really hot. I almost fainted :P Luckily my grandma woke up from her nap.

I'll still be on for a bit. Im trying to reach 150 posts for today.

Image problem solved.

It was a lvl restriction. I now have 2 Code Geass sigs, both of CC. Here is one of them. I still can't put images in my blog besides the header, but Im not worried about it. If anyone wants to make me an original sig, plz PM me. I have another CC sig, so go to any union Im in, look for one of my posts to see my full sig.

Day 2 on my new account, I still need a solution to my image problem.

This is a 2 part blog.

Im wondering if the reason I can't put images in my sig or why I can't put images in my blog with the exception of the header is due to lvl restrictions.

It's my last week of school, but my day on GS is almost done, even if it's early afternoon. I have no regrets so far on changing my account, Im actually glad I did. Lets hope this feeling lasts. Soon it will be summer and I will be very active in unions and boards.

I feel kind of stupid. I just discovered that the "friends blogs" list is ordered from current to latest. I nvr knew that on my old account. Now that I do know that it will be MUCH easier to post on new blog posts.

RHF123 will soon finish my banner, but for now I put up a temporary banner. Does it look alright, Im sure my new one will be much better. I was hoping I could find a Lulouch animation avatar, but no luck yet.

Once Im lvl 3 Im gonna copy and paste my Dfan reviews onto this account. I hope GS won't mod myslef for doing that.