I honestly feel like this game deserves an 8. I was in the closed beta for many many months and watched this game grow. A lot of these quest bugs that are there now, happened during transition to Open beta and release. Again that doesnt make them acceptable. The pvp IS shaky and not great. It feels more like an FPS game then it does an MMO, many people who are geared will spend their time one shotting you over and over. Which is definitely not fun. As far as feeling floaty and not fluid for combat. I cant say I agree, at least not to the extent that it was bad enough to dock it any points past an 8. The quest system works great but, for some players I will agree not being able to pick up every quest at once can make people upset. Or having to actually research a quest. But the ingame browser allows players the ability to say "f*** it, ill just look it up online" and players like myself have left, answers to EVERY single quest online. Most of them with video guides and more. I dont know if you guys to "re-reviews" after games change over time with updates and such, but I hope that after time you give this game a second run through, when they fix some of the issues you named off.
Cold_Blood4's comments