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ColdstoneX3 Blog

Story, New games, and so forth

well work on my apartment continues, i wonder if i will ever make it in that place, other than that, things have been going well enough, i am currently playing final fantasy 3 which annoys due to its lack of save points, but is otherwise great. Other than that, i will now start work on my Castlevania based story featuring Hector, the devil forgemasters and his first forrays into Devil Forgery. I hope it will work well.



New Reviews.

Types up 3 new revies for Zone of the Enders 1 and 2 as well as Onimusha 3. Other than that, not much new, work goes along, i am content, enough said :)



New Reviews, New Badge, and other things

well, move is still off for a week, due to workers coming in and renovating my apartment, other than that i posted 2 new reviews, one for Onimusha 2, one for Castlevania lament of Innocense. I also got a new Badge, so i am happy about that. Things are going well enough i think. lets see what time brings.



away for a while

well, for a week or two, this will be my last post, found an apartment, so i am now in the process of moving there, it might take a bit, just so you guys know



New Blog, New Banner, New Level

This forum is fun, dont ask me why, its difficult to put into words, there is a feeling of connection between the people here, and i like it. First of all, id like to Thank Eyal for making the new banner i have now, thanks loads man. Other than that, i have reached level 11 and i alsouploaded some images from final fantasy and Castlevania, i thought those were nice wallpapers. Other than that, not much new, got a Job extension for another year, which is sweet, i am looking at a apartment this week and other than that, the day has been good.




well, whats new, got Final Fantasy 7 dirge of Cerberus, will type a review of it, when i have time. Other than that i got 2 weeks of work left and 2 more weeks until i leave for the u.s

other than that, things are ok, i look forward to college

Games, changes and more

well, been inactive here for a while, got alot on my mind, moving to kansas in a month and a half, going to college *finally*, but i hate moving, and i just did with my parents, only i am on another continent, ah well, game wise i have been playing alot of guildwars, and i also got and beat castlevania portrait of ruin which is a nice addition to the series *see my review*. i especially like the additional play mode, one of them wicked hard. That about concludes todays blog.




New things.

well still playing final fantasy 12, and started playing resident evil DS, Resident evil DS works, dont ask me why, but i think it works quite nicely, especially the new rebirth mode which changes things enough so the game becomes interesting again, new knive fights, interesting sequences, ill post a review once i got it beat, but i like it. Other than that, little else is new, still saving money for college and everything so i dont spend to much on games at the moment. other than that, everything is fine.

New things

well i went to the EB Games around the next block and found something interesting known as the unreal anthology, it contaisn Unreal 1 + mission pack, Unreal 2, and Unreal Tournament 2004 with a bunch of extras and the Unreal Soundtrack from the various games, i thought it was a good buy for 22 bucks. its really fun playing to, its something people should consider if they are looking for a bargain.


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