Colonel_basic's forum posts
I agree with schesak re : Blu-Ray - early indications are that Blu-Ray will "win" the format war. Problem is that the half-decent movies amongst the 200+ films on Amazon at present are mostly re-releases of stuff I already own on DVD, and since I have an excellent DVD player and screen, the 'jump' in quality just doesn't justify the cost of buying the movies again, particularly at the ridiculous inflated prices being asked. Also, if Blu-Ray does win, many will buy a dedicated player rather than fiddle about playing movies on a console.
So in the end it comes down to the games. If you have a 360, there is no really point in buying a PS3 yet. If you don't own a 360 the arguments to buy are stronger, but still not compelling.
Roll on the quality PS3 exclusives and strong online content - pull your finger out, Sony !!
Agreed, the ps3 blu ray is only good for dipping your toe in the water if it takes off i will have to get a stand alone player, as for amazon releasing blu ray films there are very little here and a lot you have to import and im not about to do that
I seem to have an addiction to buy new blinky flashy things but this may have been a blinky flashy thing to far for me, at least i can watch blu ray films although there aint many of those over here either and still the question mark of weather blu ray will even win the format war which makes me kind of hesitant to go out and buy films anyway
Another vote for Butcher Bay, only movie game I can remember liking. As for worst, I will offer Total Recall for NES. Never played it personally but I'll say its the worst anyway thanks to this "review" I saw on youtube. Painful watching but kinda funny too.
NSFW (language)Ā
Haha best review ever, gamespot should look into employing him he cant do much worse, i've played worse games tho in my 27 years of gaming ( i started when i was 5 god i think i have wasted my life :( )
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