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Commandofreak92 Blog

Broken the Addiction

Well Oblivion its been fun but all good times must come to an end. I have been dramatically cutting down on my Oblivion time until today I didnt play at all. The load times were a large part of it. Now im playing GRAW and some FNR3 demo which I love. It feels nice to have freed myself and actually played some truly beautiful next gen games like FNR3 and GRAW. Im going to be back on GRAW now so hit me up for a game. Everyone still addicted should give this a try. Give your eyes some beautiful graphics not load times.

Oblvion Impressions

Well now ive played for a pretty fair amount. My impressions for this game are that its great fun and a good experience that shouldnt be missed. However, I must state that it is a graphical letdown. Yup you heard me. Letdown. The framerate chops at times there are way to many loading screens the low res textures are unbelieveable facial models are somewhat lacking trees and bushes have bad texturing. Still buy it but to me I was expecting to be wowed by the graphics more than I am. I would have taken a 2 or 3 month delay to iron most of those features out. As much as I hate to say it the game feels somewhat unfinished, like the developers slacked off and took shortcuts. Before I would have said GOTY but now im not so sure.


I finally got it. I came back from Whistler at 2 in the morning and got about 4 hours of sleep. Im totally wiped out but I needed Oblivion. At about 9:30 I biked down to the Kailua GameStop. Its been raining nonstop all week so there are puddles everywhere. By the time I reached GameStop the back of my shirt was soaked and i had mud all over my jeans. When I walk up to GameStop its 9:40. Sadly I didnt know they dont open until 10. By now im pissed so I just go into Radioshack nextdoor and walk around the store for 20 minutes pretending to be interested. Finally GameStop opens. I walk in and find out that the guy working that day is the one person who works there that is always finding ways to annoy and confuse you. Normally its funny but by now the only thing keeping me going is Oblivion. Once I finally purchase it and am biking home I am ready to go crazy. The ride to GameStop is all downhill. That means the bike ride back is all uphill. It sucks. But it was all worth it. Oblivion is awesome......


Well im leaving today so I might be on GS a little but dont expect to see me around. I will be gone until next week Saturday. I will try to get on and post. Ill miss you guys. See you when I get back. Oh ya and im Toobin'


I got GRAW. It is so awesome. Does anyone want to play it on Live. Its really all I expected it to be

360 Update

As of today I own 3 games. PGR3, Amped 3 and CoD2. I will play them on Live though request a game if you want to play with me. I also have achieved a new high score in Geometry Wars of 81,150 which is amazing for me.
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