@Enigmaticatious The behavior of these attackers make ANY complaint they have invalid. This isn't about people who make legitimate criticism. This is about a many morons being selfish and only thinking of themselves treating REAL people like game making machines that they can cuss and kick to get working. End of story. I feel bad for Ms. Hepler. Don't worry ma'am there are people who actually appreciate your work.
if a sexual relation fits the game, and it is presented in a tasteful fashion then I don't see a problem. Sex is a bigger part of life than violence has ever been since it is how our species survives, so if a a game's plot calls for a little bit of love then so be it. I mean i don't want a porno game or a game with nudity for the sake of having nudity, but if someone makes a game like that then I guess I just won't play it.
@Dasroth I understand. But you have to understand how many more hours of dialogue would be required to be able to talk every NPC. There are a lot more NPCs in the city than in DAO and Mass Effect, but you can only interact with so many.
O and everyone thumbing down for positive comments about the game needs to stop bashing peoples opinions. I understand dissapointment in the game by some fans, but not everyone has to think that way.
Really the only complaint i have is the dungeons, and that is certainly not gamebreaking. THe combat felt more powerful, faster, and more fluid without changing the actual numbers being crunched. The characters are unique in both asthetics and personality. Overall i'm happy with DAII.
CommonFable's comments